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Somewhere over the rainbow and beyond the world of Ever After, lies the Land of Oz, a world once full of whimsy and color. Not so long ago, Oz was full of song and light and the four witches of Oz [Locasta of the North, Nessa of the East, Elvira of the West, and Glinda of the South] lived in peace and unity. But, with unity comes chaos.

Elvira of the West was destined to live a short life and be evil until she kicked the bucket, or rather until Dorothy splashes a bucket of water onto her causing her to melt away. But, unlike her predecessors, Elvira wasn't wicked. Witches of the West are supposed to be born with green skin and wicked to the core, but that trait must've skipped Elvira. She wasn't green; she had a few green spots here and there, but she wasn't fully green. And she definitely wasn't wicked. So when her Dorothy landed in Oz, Elvira fled into the Dark Forest.

In the woods, she met a strange, yet enticing man. And, as if it were magic, Elvira fell in love with him instantly, unaware of his devious intentions.

Elvira and the man lived together for two years. It wasn't long after they started living together that Elvira had found out she was with child. She hoped for a healthy baby girl, one she could raise like a princess. But when Elvira gave birth to an infant with green skin, her heart was broken.

Only moments after childbirth, the man's true motives were revealed. He took the baby from Elvira and was about to strip her of her powers and lock her away. But, Elvira used the last of her power to create a locket for her baby. She transported her powers and knowledge of magic into the locket for the baby to learn as she grew up. The locket was enchanted so that no one except the child could remove it.

The man's plan was to send Elvira to the land of Ever After, where Giles and Milton Grimm would deal with her. Before he finally banished her from Oz, Elvira exclaimed, "Ellie! The baby is named Ellie!" He nodded and then Elvira was sucked into a portal and disappeared.

The man broke the news to the other witches; they were heartbroken. The man told them his plan for Ellie's childhood, "we lock her in a tower until it's time for her to fulfill her destiny. We'll free her and she'll do her business and then we'll never speak of this generation ever again." After what seemed like an eternity of deciding, the witches finally reluctantly agreed.

Ellie was then raised in a tower off of the west wing of Glinda's castle. She was guarded and practically raised by the winged monkeys. Luckily, she made "friends" with a young chimp named Ignis. Ignis would tell Ellie everything that's happening or that already happened in Oz, including what had happened to her mother. Upon learning of her mother's fate, it became Ellie's eternal quest to avenge her mother and give Ever After what they deserve. When Ellie decided she could trust Ignis, the two planned Ellie's escape together. Even if her mother wasn't wicked, Ellie loved her regardless; she was the only person who could possibly ever accept her for who she is.

Since Ellie had her mother's enchanted locket, Ellie had unlimited access to all of her mother's spells. And although Ellie was chained, she spent any time she had practicing her mother's storm transportation spells, hoping to someday get to Ever After. Every day, her chains are pulled little by little out of the floor. Ellie knew her revenge on Ever After would come ectremely soon.

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