Chapter 1

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"You're such a killjoy, Mads," Mackenzie Ziegler grumbled as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"Not now Mackenzie," Madison Ziegler hushed her sister through gritted teeth. She smoothed her pencil skirt down and tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear.

"Just because you're my sister doesn't mean you get to boss me around." Mackenzie huffed and rolled her eyes.

"You're right. But as your manager I have the right to boss you around."

"This sucks!" Mackenzie moaned. She kicked her feet and slouched further into the waiting room couch.

"Mackenzie, stop being such a baby. You're 20 years old, so start acting like it. Just because you're famous doesn't mean you can act like a brat."

"I'm not acting like a brat!" Mackenzie pouted.

"And furthermore, you're the reason we're here in the first place! If you and JoJo hadn't-"

"Ms. Miller will now see you," Ms. Miller's assistant called to the pair as she stood up from behind her desk.

Maddie sighed. Finally. "Thanks Gia-I mean Ms. Martello." Gianna Martello winked at the two and beckoned them forward.

"Now you and I both know how Abby works," Maddie began as Gianna led them to Ms. Miller's office. "She'll yell at you, then she'll yell at me. Then she'll yell at both of us. She'll probably call up the other girls and start yelling at them too."

"This'll be fun," Mackenzie muttered under her breath.

Gianna knocked on a door. She listened for a second then opened it for the Zieglers. As they passed, she silently wished them luck.

"Hello girls," Abby Lee Miller greeted them cooly as they entered her office. "Have a seat." The two girls nervously sat in the chairs she gestured to and waited for what was to come next.

"Now Madison, Mackenzie, I've known you two since you were babies. Your father and I were close in high school and I visited your family at Christmas every year. Mackenzie, I helped your band find a record deal four years ago and in that time you five have completed a UK tour and three albums. Maddie, you became their manager the moment you graduated college. I'm proud of you girls. And I'm proud your band started off with help from the ALDC Talent Agency." Maddie and Mackenzie both nodded. This was going good so far. "But let's talk about two nights ago." Damn.

"Ms. Miller, I apologize for what happened. I should've kept an eye on the girls and-"

"THERE ARE NO EXCUSES FOR WHAT HAPPENED!" Abby exploded. Maddie flinched and closed her mouth. Abby turned to face Mackenzie. "You didn't attend your own concert. Now it shouldn't be your booking agent scolding you right now, it should be your manager, but I had a feeling your sister couldnt've handled the job. You girls are lucky you know someone in the industry like me."

Maddie hung her head. "Ms. Miller I-"

"And furthermore, who forgets their own concert?? There are five of you! Did you know how many angry fans there were in that audience because Boss Ladies didn't even show up to their Oakland concert? Do you know how humiliating it was for me to get a call from your tour promoter yesterday morning saying that you DIDN'T SHOW UP??" Mackenzie looked away from Abby, biting her nails.

"And you!" Abby turned to Maddie. "What manager doesn't keep an eye on her band at all times? Especially someone as new to the industry as you."

"It won't happen again, Ms. Miller, I promise." Maddie said confidently, her voice wavering slightly. "Ever."

"It better not." Ms. Miller glared at the Zieglers. "It's an embarrassment to this talent agency." She sighed. "Now, you're U.S. tour will still continue, so you'd better not miss anything. Concerts, meet and greets, you'll be at them all. Understand?" Mackenzie nodded vigorously and Maddie mumbled a 'yes ma'am'. "And to ensure that this will never happen again, I'm bringing someone in."

Maddie and Mackenzie looked at each other. What could she mean?

Abby pushed a button on the phone sitting next to her. "Gianna, send her in."

A couple of seconds later a girl of around 20 walked in. She was tall and slim with silvery blonde hair and a white blouse with a royal blue pencil skirt. Her high heels clicked against the floor. She entered the room timidly then walked around the desk to stand beside Abby.

"Madison, Mackenzie, I'd like you to meet Brynn Rumfallo. She's the daughter of a friend of mine. She's in college to get a degree in music management. And since she was looking for a summer job and needs more experience and since you happened to have this little mishap, I thought she'd be perfect."

"Perfect for what?" Maddie asked, not liking where this was going.

"Perfect to become your assistant manager for the summer. Brynn, you are now officially the assistant manager for the band Boss Ladies!" Abby squeezed Brynn's hand.

"Thank you Ms. Miller," Brynn smiled at her. She turned hopefully to the other girls but they were too shocked.

"What?! I don't need a new assistant manager! What'll happen to Ava?" Maddie shouted.

"Miss Cota will be able to find a new job easily. She's already applied for several other jobs."

"You can't just fire her," Maddie said sourly.

Abby leaned close. "Yes I can. You're lucky I saved you because you'd probably be the one getting fired if it wasn't for me. Brynn here will make a great addition to your tour and she's responsible enough to make up for where you lack." Abby laughed. "And trust me, anything done wrong, she'll report back to me immediately."

Maddie's mouth hung open. Mackenzie looked shocked. Brynn was clearly uncomfortable.

Abby checked the clock. "Out of my office! I have a meeting at 11:30. You're headed to Nevada in two days, and there'd better not be any mishaps. Got it?" The three of them nodded. "Now shoo!"

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