Chapter Two: Adonis?

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Friday wasn't so good, I just kept thinking about Ayla. It got me a C- on my Spanish test but it was kinda worth it. She's so beautiful my mind could just linger into thoughts of her for hours but now It's Saturday morning and I usually go out for a jog, but I kept getting this weird feeling in my gut. I ignored it thinking it's  probably just my stomach.

"Hey Sport, ready for a good ol' morning jog?" He smiled as he laid some waffles and juice on the table.

"Yeah, haha,..... um...Dad, what gets rid of stomach... uh... stuff?"

"Stuff? What kind of stuff?" he had a frown that showed how puzzled he was.

"You know, like butterflies," I said as I reached for some juice. He began to smile.

"Oh I see, butterflies," he air quoted the word as he sat down.

"Yeah, butterflies," I responded a little confused.

"Listen son, don't worry so much about her, she'll come around, your mother did," he smiled as he drank his juice and read this morning news paper.

"but what if she doesn't?" I couldn't help sounding so let down.

"Well, then there's always plenty of fish in the sea," he lifted his cup in the air like he just gave me a trophy speech. I began to laugh.

"You know I've never been good at catching fish, the only thing I can catch is a cold." We both started laughing. When I finished my juice I reached for my bag with my track shoes inside.

"Have a good jog okay? Just try not to come home so late alright?" I nodded and started for the door. When I got outside my phone rang. It was my best friend Mark. I clicked answer.

"Hello?" I answered cautiously.

"Hey Tyler are you ready or what?" I could hear his mom yelling at someone in the background.

"Um... Yeah, I'm outside my house," saying as I closed the screen door of my house.

"Okay I'll be there in a bit," I clicked the end button and put my phone in my pocket as a car horn two blocks down kept blaring until it reached my house. I couldn't help but smile really big. Mark rolled down the window from the driver's seat and stuck his hand out, waving it like a madman.

"Guess who got their learners permit!" He blurted so loud the whole neighborhood probably heard him.

"Hmmm, let me guess is it.. Mister Marcus Jacobs?" I said cupping my hands in front of my face like a microphone.

"Ding Ding Ding!! We have a winner! Come on down Mister Lucas," he gestured to the door on the other side of the SUV. I ran to the side of the SUV and as I opened the door Mrs. Jacobs was smiling while I got in.

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