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Aaron shut his video camera off and placed it gently within his lap.  "Zak, you alright man?"

I stared hopelessly down the long gravel driveway; my thoughts drifting towards the plantation style house that sat amongst the shadows of the tall pine and redwood trees.  At least the house appeared to be maintained with its freshly painted black shutters and rose bushes that littered the front of the house.  From the outside the house seemed calm and endearing, hard to believe it was one of the most haunted places in America.


Lifelessly I pulled my gaze from the black doorway of the house towards Aaron, sitting in the passenger's seat.  The look of concern etched across his face pulled me back to reality.

"Sorry what's up?"

"Are you ok?"

"I'm fine.  I was just looking at the house."

"You had it in like a death stare." Nick's voice chimed from the back of the van.

"I'm fine.  Now hurry up and give me a brief overview of this place.  I want to get this opening scene done and over with."

"Are you sure you're ok, bro?"  Aaron asked once more, his lack of timeliness beginning to irritate me.

"I'm fine.  We really don't have much time.  We have at least two interviews to do and a tour of the grounds before eight.  So can we hurry up please."

"Fine.  The house was built in the early eighteen hundreds by a Mr. Williams.  He lived here with his wife, Abigail, and their three children, Beverly, John Jr., and Charles.  They were a typical family for their time.  Nothing too different about them.  But wait...

Mr. Williams was known for his excentric behavior; most notably for keeping his wife and children locked in the house throughout the years.  A close friend of his even comments on his lack of knowledge of his family.

It wasn't until the winter of 1830 when the rest of the town was made aware of his seemingly hidden lifestyle.  Supposedly Mrs. Williams became lonely not being able to leave the house; so one afternoon Mr. Williams reportedly came home to find his wife sleeping with the slave.

Mr. Williams was so enraged he killed his wife and the slave by ripping them apart and burried them somewhere in the back yard."

"Pretty fucked up man." Nick whispered from the back, his eyes never leaving the EVP recorder he was fidgeting with.

"So there will be a lot of negative energy in this house.  Could make for a really great show.  Imagine the rage Mr. Williams is still carrying around in the house.  What happened to the kids?"

"No one knows for certain.  They were never found.  They charged Mr. Williams with murdering his wife, the slave and their children and hung him in a tree nearby."

"Alright I think I got my opening scene.  Go ahead and roll cameras."

I waited patiently for the little red light to illuminate the darkened van.  "We're sitting outside the Williams plantation where over a hundred years ago six gruesome murders occurred.  The first were Mr. Williams's wife, Abigail, and the family's slave."  I stepped out of the van and started walking towards the house, Aaron and Nick barely keeping up with me.

"The second set were his children; who mysteriously disappeared into the night.  And finally Mr. Williams himself who was later tried and hung in one of the trees for their murders."

I knock on the front door and after a few moments of noises shuffling behind the door, we are greeted by an elderly woman in floral print.

"Good evening ma'am.  My name is Zak Bagans, this is Nick Groff and Aaron Goodwin.  We are part of a TV show called Ghost Adventures and we were told about this place."

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