(7) Despair

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As he moves from place to place aimlessly with empty eyes,he remembers all the joy he felt,all the happy moments,all the laughter,all the rage and sadness he felt when she died.

She with the orange straight hair.
He remembers her,with her everlasting smile that never abandoned her.

As these memories sneaked from his eyes,they rolled down his cheeks all the way to his chin,blaming himself,hitting his head to the wall,saying while his red blood was mixing with his  tears"It's my fault..I am the reason she died;if I have listened to her and never crossed that village,if i haven't met her in the first place...I killed her....I killed her.."

It went on like this for two days,without eating,without sleeping.
He was alive,yet he was dead from the inside,empty of positive feelings.
He only fell in despair,felt the sadness,sorrow and regret.

He didn't have the will to survive in this jungle of chaos,nor the will to live anywhere without Ellie.

She was everything to him.
And what makes it worse is that he could have rescued her,but of course you can't bring back time,can you?

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