Chapter 5

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Chapter 5:

When I got off the bus, I went straight to the school office and got my schedule and locker number. I am an Honors' student so my classes fall on random times. I looked on my schedule to see what locker I have. I had Locker #248 which is not far from here. As I walked to my locker I noticed something weird about this school. It's was mostly white and empty. There were barely any other students in the halls.

When I was about to reach my locker, I saw Niall walk towards me. I just ignored him and hoped he would pass me. I heard a locker open right beside me. Oh god. I can't be. I looked to see who it was, and there was Niall.

"Oh hi.. ummmm... Jesse?" he shyly said to me.

"Yeah, it's Jesse." I replied.

"I guess we have the same schedule to since we have lockers next to each other." he said sarcastically.

"Sure, I guess," I said playing along. As we held our schedules up and comparing them with other, I noticed that we DO have the same classes together. At this point, it got really awkward.

"Oh.. well I guess we do have the same schudeles..," I said for a moment.

"Yeah I guess we do," he said with sort of a smile. I guess that meant we are friends now? I don't even know the kid how am I supposed to be friends with him?

"Where's our first class?" he asked with kind of a louder voice this time.

"Um, I think it's down the hall; Room 201 Honors' Math," I said unsurely.

"It's ok we will find it." he said with a confident voice. As we tried to find our first class, we got lost about five times. During those five times, I saw something strange happening. Whenever I saw kids walking down the hall passing us, I saw them flicker and heard them buzz. I thought it was some sort of... hologram. But I knew I was probably hallucinating from walking up and down the same hall for a long time.

When we FINALLY found the right door to our class, we knocked on the door to see if anyone was there. After a few seconds the door opened and saw our teacher. As we walked in I looked around the classroom. It was almost empty with only about 15 kids in there. As I looked on the teacher's desk, I learned our teacher's name: Mr. Frederick.

"Mr. Frederick, is this all of the class?" I asked.

"Yes, Ms. Vala, please, you and Mr. Horan can sit in the back by the door," he said to me with sort of a robotic voice. Now I know what Niall's last name was. But I womdered... how did the teacher.... I mean Mr. Frederick know our names without looking at the roll book?

As Niall and I sat down next to each other in the back, I heard a buzzing sound. I looked around to see what it was. I found no source of the buzzing sound. It was annoying me to death and I wanted it to stop. Suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder and I jumped.

"Sorry, it's just me," Niall said.

"Oh it's ok," I said.

"Do you hear a buzzing noise in the back?" Niall questioned me.

"Yeah, I thought I was going crazy." I replied.

He smiled and said, "I can't believe we haven't been caught yet, we are talking pretty loud." He laughed quietly.

"Yeah... it's strange." I said.

I was starting to feel a little but thirsty so I grabbed my water bottle and opened it. I drank a few sips and set it down, I accidentally tipped it while I was putting the lid back on. The water spilled to the ground and suddenly, the ground caught on fire. But it wasn't the ground, it was a projector. The buzzing sound ceased and the teacher and the students disappeared.

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