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Four years.

That's how long it had been since I saw that beautiful woman in this very café. Things had changed since then.

For starters, three baristas that knew us, Yang, Blake and Weiss, all left for other jobs. Though Ruby still worked here in the café along with three other people by the names of Eren, Armin and Mikasa.

Also, I was transferred to a different hospital a bit closer to my apartment, however, that meant that the café was a day-off luxury only now.

I sighed as I sat in my regular seat. I looked over at the place where I first saw Aka.

Four years... I'm now 27 and I have rejected every female that's come at me.

Most people would be over their last love by now. But not me. Aka was and will always be the only woman I ever loved.

"Everything alright, Law?" Ruby asked as she came over to me. "You've been staring at that spot for over an hour." I looked down.

"Everything is fine, Ruby-ya. Thank you for your concern." I said.

"You're thinking about Aka again, aren't you?" She asked. I nodded. Ruby gave me a sad smile.

"I'm sure she's just fine, Law. From what I can guess, she'll be graduating soon." Ruby said.

"Yeah. She will." I said.

"Don't you want to go see her? I'm sure you could get enough days off of work to go see her." Ruby said. I sighed softly.

"I wish I could, Ruby-ya. But for my own reasons, I can't." I said. Ruby placed a gentle hand on my shoulder.

"Well, whatever that reason maybe... I'm sure Aka wants to see you again. But, I guess we'll have to wait for her. If I see her, I'll send her your way." She said. I smiled at the young woman.

"Thank you." I said softly and let her get back to work. With a soft sigh, I pulled myself from my seat. I may as well go home.

As I left the building, someone crashed in to me.

"Ow... Law!" I heard. I looked down as saw Aoi staring up at me. She had changed a bit, too. She actually cut her hair. It was only shoulder length now, and she and Ace were engaged.

"Aoi-ya. Are you alright? I didn't see you coming." I said. The bluenette smiled at me.

"I was actually looking for you!" She said. I stared at her.

"Why?" I asked. I had actually seen Aoi maybe five or six times in the past four years.

Aoi put an envelope in my hand. She grinned at me.

"I got this from Aka. She told me to give it to you." I opened the envelope. "It's a ticket to her graduation. As much as she'd want me there, I know she wants you there more. You're all she ever talks about when she calls. So, call in to work and say you won't be in that week. Aka is going to love seeing you again." She told me. I looked up at her with wide eyes.

"You-" I started. The woman waved me off.

"Don't stand here and blab to me about it, go get ready to see your girl! Go see her, Law." She said. I quickly hugged her.

"Thank you." I said. She grinned at me. I clutched the ticket tightly and ran to my car. As soon as I was in, I checked the date on the ticket and called my supervisor to let him know I would be across the country for a week.

Time skip

I was nervous, yes. Not only because I was seeing Aka again, but because her uncle, Doflamingo, was there, too. Doflamingo and I didn't particularly like each other. What was worse, was that I was a seat in front of him and I could hear him talking with his assistant, a man named Trebol. They were talking about getting Aka in to the family buisness and away from photography.

"I have to find her first after this." I thought. Graduation started. After Aka's name was called, while Doflamingo, Trebol and I clapped calmly, the other men and women of Doflamingo's party cheered wildly.

After graduation, I waited out in the parking lot for Aka, knowing that was where she would go first.

How did I know?

Well, I got a new phone number in the past few months and I didn't give her the new number yet, but I still have her number. I sent her a text telling her to go straight to the back of the parking lot for a special surprise from an old friend.

I saw Aka approaching my location, her eyes glued to her phone. Her eyebrows were pulled together, trying to figure out the number on her phone.

She looked up a few minutes later and her silver eyes met mine. In that moment, silver became my favorite color all over again.

"Law!" She yelled. She ran right over to me and leapt in to my waiting arms.

"Hello again, Aka-ya." I said. I hugged her tightly against my chest.

"Oh, Law! How did you?" She asked, crying with joy.

"Aoi-ya." I said. She giggled.

"Remind me to thank her." Aka said. She nuzzled in to my chest, her glasses hurting me a little bit.

"I missed you so much." She said. I smiled against her hair.

"I missed you, too, darling. There hasn't been a day that's passed that I haven't thought of you since you left." I said. Her arms squeezed my sides in a tighter hug. I stroked her hair. It was shorter than what it had been.

We pulled apart and I looked her over.

"Just let me look at you." I said. Her skin was still the beautiful tan. Her hair, while still long, only fell mid-back on her now, and she held it in a low pony tail. I sighed softly.

"More beautiful than I remember." I said. A smile broke across her face. She reached up and cupped my face. She went up on her toes and her lips met mine and we kissed softly. In those few moments of our kiss, it felt as if the years melted away and I was 23 again, kissing her for the first time at that ball.

"Aka-ya, just say the words and I'll follow you to the ends of the earth." I said.

"Law... What about your work as a surgeon?" She asked. I smiled.

"Hospitals always need surgeons, no matter where in the world they are. Where ever it is that you go, I'll follow you, if you want me to." I said. Tears rose in Aka's eyes and a soft smile tugged at her lips.

"Law, I-"

"I'm afraid I can't let you do that, Law."

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