Chapter 20

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   Now the next day the girls were hoping things were taken care of on campus for them to feel safe when they arrived. They didn't wanna feel unsafe while they attended their classes. When they all got up out of bed they all started to get ready for the day ahead of them. Not knowing what was going to go on till they all got there. They got dressed and then went down to the dining hall with what they needed to go to the college with. They were all gonna eat some breakfast before they all leave for the morning to go on campus. Soon as they all arrived they started to talk while they ate.

Chanel- Just Hope when we all get to campus today we see more security guards around the place watching all the students and looking to see if they can spot this red devil. I wanna find out who it is and find out why they are  dong this shit to people.

Nicole- We would all wanna find out what and why as well. This shit is crazy and Never heard of something like this ever happening at this college ever.

Chanel- This is the second year I have been hear with the original girls and we have never had this happen to this place. Something strange is happening and we have got to find out what is going on. Once we find out the person or persons could be locked up in jail for what they are doing to this place.

Paige- What do you mean by the word " persons? "

Chanel- There could be more then one red devil out there, but we don't know, so we have to make sure there is enough security to make sure what is up.

Paige- Just hope that there is just the one or this could be way more serious then what it is now and more people could die if there is more than one. 

Chanel- We have to hope for the best here and hope that it is just the one. 

  When the girls all got done eating they all started to head over to the campus to start the school day now. Their classes were gonna be starting soon and like  always they didn't wanna be late. On arriving to the campus they saw more security guards outside watching over the place and they were also checking people bags to make sure they didn't have anything that would make them a threat to the campus at all. Now this is what the girls wanted to see when they arrived to the school. They now were feeling more safe now. They walked up to the entrance to the college. 

The security Guard- Hold up girls.

Chanel- Is there a problem?

The security guard- No, not at all. Just we have to check your bags for weapons. There is a killer on the loose or more and we want to keep everyone safe.

So,  with that the girls let the man search their bags to show him they didn't have any weapons on them since they were the ones who reported the red devil shit in the first place. At this point anyone can be a suspect in the case and they didn't wanna take a chance in letting someone go without being searched because it could be anyone and they didn't wanna take a chance on that. When the Security guard cleared them they got their bags back and went to their classes. When they got inside they also saw security guards inside as well. If the killer wanted to do something they would have to start with them first and then get to the students of this campus here.

    While, everyone was in class the red devil was on the loose looking for it's next prey. ( A victim as we speak to kill.) He or she was still running around unseen. They didn't wanna get caught by one of the many security guards in site in broad daylight. There were a couple of people walking in a group getting ready to come on campus to a class they were gonna be having here. The red devil was hiding behind a building near by waiting for them to come near where he or she was at  the moment. When they got right where he or she was hiding he or she grabbed a victim and pulled them away as the other to were still walking and talking. They didn't notice right away that their friend was missing.The red devil slit the throat of the girl and the body dropped to the ground and the red devil walked away. A few minutes later they noticed their friend was gone, so they backtracked where they walked and when they came upon the building they looked around and screamed. They saw her body. A near by security guard heard the scream and hurried toward them. He couldn't believe what he was looking at.

The security guard- What happened here? 

The friend- We were all walking to campus talking and I guess while we were our friend Stacy here was pulled away and slit in the throat. We noticed she was gone about 3 mins later, so we came back to find her, but we came to find this.

The security guard- What we have here was a death by the red devil in broad daylight. This shit is crazy that this person is doing this in broad daylight as well as the night time. This son of a bitch needs to be found now. We will report this and you will be notified if we find this person.

The friend- Thanks

With that the students went to the campus to go to their class now. 

   The girls were safe for the time being, but they have heard about the girl who got killed near by in broad daylight. They now know that this son of a bitch will kill no matter what time or day of the week it is. They wanna know what this person or persons problem is for killing all these people and what it's motive really is. They have got to be on the lookout when they got out of class on the way back to the house. They wanted to make sure they all make it back save and no one killed. They weren't leaving the campus till the guys got to them to walk with them.

Becky- When will the guys be here, so we could leave the campus?

Crystal- They will be here in like 10 mins.

Paige- that's good. The sooner the better because I don't wanna be here much longer.

Chanel- We are not gonna tell them anything till we get to the house. I wanna be safe off campus first.

When Chanel got done saying that the guys were there to meet them all. They all were happy to finally see them. The girls were ready to leave now, so they all were on their way back to the sorority house.  

   When they all got to the house they went into the meeting room to talk now. The girls couldn't wait now to tell the guys what is going on. They all sat down and Chanel got up to talk to them.

Chanel- We all wanted to get off campus quick with the safety of you guys by our side because the red devil stroke in daylight while we were in class. He or she killed a girl. 

Chet- Wow!!! This has got to stop now. We need to find the son of a bitch and do something. 

Chanel- We have to be thankful for now that it wasn't one of us. We all need to meet after class and be protected on the way back to the house.

Chet- We can do that to help protect you. We all need to be safe till this bitch is caught, but for now you all are safe here and we are all gonna leave now to go back to our house to do our studying for the day. See you later.

The girls all said their goodbyes  to the guys and then they left the house. Now the girls could be on campus knowing the guys will protect them when they all need them.

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