Lovers and Boners

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It was a hot summer day in late august. Kalle was delighted. He was out with his daughter Luzie, her friends and most importantly: Melanie. Melanie was... Kalle had a hard time trying to describe her perfection. She was a young and beautiful woman and he melted at the mere sight of her. She was stunning yet charming and her sassy personality drove him wild.
She was seated right next to him on the bleachers of the football field they were currently at. They were there especially for Clemens and Felix.
Luzie started dating Felix to spite her dad but after he got used to seeing his face around the house she realized she actually liked him back.
They were quite early for the game so they were sat watching the end of the Baby Gladiators' game. Meanwhile Kalle made up a detailed plan in his head how he could approach Melanie without anyone realizing his intentions. His thoughts collapsed into nothing when he suddenly felt a freshly manicured hand rest on his knee.
What is this? I've never felt this kind of feeling before? While he tried to decide if it was an intentional move or if Melanie was just adjusting her posture he was ripped out of his thoughts as said hand slowly slid up his thigh. Thankfully Melanie was all hands while Kalle was all brain.
After missing the opportunity of making the first move he decided to make a strong second move and put his arm around her. Luzie leaned over to Melanie, rolled her eyes and said with a big smile „If my dad's making you uncomfortable just tell him to fuck off, he's just being his over friendly self." She turned back to the game and therefor didn't notice the mockingly raised eyebrow Melanie gave Kalle while she replied with „Oh don't worry, I love your dad! I can handle him." After a few seconds she looked at him seductivly and whispered in his ear „Wanna get out of here?" She slowly turned back to Luzie and informed her about how she was going to the bathroom to freshen up. As she passed Kalle's seat she shot him a challenging smirk. He lit up bright red and furiously tried to come up with an excuse to leave as well.
After a few minutes he stuttered something about getting a beer and Luzie just gave him a nod and a dismissive hand gesture. Kalle basically ran as fast as his tired legs would carry him out into the hallway, leading away from the stadium. He came to a sudden halt as he realized he had no clue where Melanie went. He looked around breathlessly until he felt a warm breath down his neck and a firm hand grabbing his butt. He jumped around twenty feet in the air because he wasn't expecting it although he wasn't surprised.
Jumping into action he instinctively grabbed her by her waist and pushed her into the nearest room. Their lips met in an anticipated kiss even before the door fell close. They were all over each other relishing the moment they finally got to themselves. They didn't even know where one's body ended and the other one's began. Their surroundings vanished into nothing because the only thing that mattered was the other one.
There was a sharp noise but they couldn't be bothered to notice. What they didn't know was that the room had another door at the other side where two young and very horny boys just came stumbling in. It was Clemens and Felix and the only thing destroying their cis, white, male clichés was the fact that they were currently passionately making out. As they tripped to the nearest bench Felix pulled Clemens down onto his lap and continued to snog his secret boyfriend. They impatiently removed each other's shirts while Felix kissed down Clemens' neck.
As Clemens let out an especially loud moan after Felix hit a certain spot, with shock evident in his eyes Kalle's head shot up fast and his boner dropped even faster. He recognized Felix instantly and froze. Felix is playing for the other team? As Melanie noticed the lack of participation she looked up at him and asked „What's wrong, babe?" She followed his eyes and shrieked at the sight of the half naked boys in front of them.
Out of shock Clemens fell off Felix' lap and landed on his butt. Instantly Felix reached out a hand to help his lover up. As Clemens scrambled to his feet, Felix took a first glance at the couple in front of them. His face went pale as he realized he was standing right in front of his girlfriend's dad.

All four of them just stared at each other until Felix nodded hesitantly in Kalle's direction. Kalle nodded back even more hesitantly. From that moment on they knew it was gonna be okay and that they weren't going to tell another soul about this.
Only now reacting, Clemens grabbed both their tricots and his boyfriend's hand and headed straight for the door to get to the football game in time. Only in the hallway did they realize that they were still half aroused. Clemens suddenly looked at Felix with playful desperation in his eyes and murmured „You got five minutes, babe. You better be quick." Felix looked at his crotch and then back up at his eyes. Pulling him in for a lustful kiss he pushed both of them into the nearest closet.
As Kalle and Melanie returned to their seats, Luzie was too occupied awaiting the entrance of her boyfriend to notice their flushed faces and affectionate gestures. They secretly held hands as they whispered sweet nothings into each others ears.
The game finally started and the Gladiators enthusiastically ran onto the field. Felix limped a bit although he tried to cover it up.
Luzie turned to Melanie with a confused expression on her face as she asked „Are they wearing each other's shirts? And is that a hickey on Clemens' neck? He must've been getting some before the game." She nudged Melanie with a dirty smirk. She took a look at the boys again and awed „Oh they're so cute though! If I wasn't in love with one of them I'd ship them so hard!"
Melanie turned to Kalle with a knowing look and winked at him.

„Oh honey, if you knew..."

Copyright by
Hanna Neuhold & Selina Graf
26/9/2016, Graz

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2016 ⏰

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