Oceania sighed, closing her eyes and opening them before she walked back over to the kitchen. She looked at her mother. "Ready?" She asked her mother, grabbing a little wallet on the coffee table in the living room. She looked up to her mother again.

Her mother nodded, walking out of the kitchen and slipping her shoes on. "I'm ready, but are you?"

"I'm ready," Oceania replied with a beaming smile growing on her face. "I'm waiting for you, aren't I?"

Her mother rolled her eyes a tiny bit at her daughter. She stood up. Her lips were tugging up in a smile as she gazed at her daughter. "Come on, then," she told her, walking over to the front door. She opened it before she looked back at her daughter, waiting for her to follow behind her.

Oceania walked over towards the door, trailing after her mother as they walked out to the car. She was aware of the brown, dusty mud under her feet, making squashing noises when she applied pressure. She looked up to the magnificent sky, squinting up at its brightness. It had gotten a few seconds to get use to it, but eventually, she did.

Oceania opened her vehicle's door, climbing inside it. She smiled over at her mother, who had slid into the driver's seat next to her. Her mother gazed back at her, switching the engine on. "Let's go," she told her, grinning as she backed out of the driveway.

Once Oceania and her mother had gotten to the corporation, they travelled into the garages that they had on the side of the enormous building. It wasn't a secluded little shed, no. It didn't really help with the coverage that they needed, but it worked for how big the Rebellion was. It was even bigger than this-Oceania thought that there was maybe at least a few to tens of thousands of citizens in it.

Oceania grabbed the handle when they had stopped, climbing out of the vehicle. Her eyes had to adjust to the blinding darkness of the garage before she could start walking to the secluded elevator at the end of the row.

She could feel herself start to tremble as she started walking over to the elevator, biting at her lip. She didn't want to be near this place, ever. She did, however, love her job of being a corporate spy. It meant that she could get away from his abuse.

She could still remember the last time when he had abused her; it had only been less than a week prior. The darkness of the garage didn't help with that either. She could feel her memories rushing through her brain about how he had touched her. She couldn't stop feeling dirty after what he had done to her. She wanted to exclude him from her life.

They approached the elevators, sticking their thumbs on the miniature pad by the doors. They opened with a ding when the machine had approved of their entrance. The hairs on Oceania's forearms stood up as they descended into the ground, getting to the underground floor. Her heartbeat faster and she took a swallow, closing her eyes.

"Are you okay, Oceania?" Her mother's voice floated over to her ears.

Oceania looked over to her mother, smiling softly at her. "Yeah Mom, I'm fine," she lied, running her hand through her hair. She felt like she was going to throw up. She didn't like keeping secrets from her mother, especially when they consisted of her father and how he was a terrible man. She shivered a little bit. "I'm just cold."

Her mother eyed her before she nodded, looking down at her shoes. "Well, you should've brought a jacket. You know how cold it usually gets down there."

Oceania nodded, biting her lip. "I know," she said. She could feel the bile in her stomach start to rise up her throat. The doors of the elevator opened, releasing them from the compartment and they started to stride over to the office. The halls were a blinding, virgin white that made her head start hurting. She would need some of the Axyl when she had finished with her business with the Striker, like she normally did. Oceania's hands started sweating. She didn't like seeing the Striker-she hated it, in fact. But there was no turning back, especially when she was this close.

Oceania closed her eyes and pushed through the doors of the office, seeing the light blue room swarm into her vision. She could feel the eyes of the man in the black rotating chair survey her appearance. She took a deep breath, trying to steady her shaking heads and started to talk to the Striker.

"Hello, Father."

A/N: Okay, I hope you guys appreciate the longer chapter. Sorry I didn't update for two or three months D: I've been really busy with school. Its my senior year, after all. I'll update again sooner, within the month. Then I'll try to update sooner and sooner so the updates will be every week. Expect another update in a couple weeks when I have my finals. If it's not up on here yet, please feel free to bitch at me about it. C:

I also hope you guys die from the cliffhanger at the end (: I did that for a reason c;

I feel like my writing has changed since September, but I'm not sure if its for the better or not :/ I need to know if it's gotten better or not, since I have been doing a ton of writing on this one other site that I have a account on.

I'm also going to do that little thing I did the previous chapter, where at least twenty more comments and about ten or more more votes in order to make me update another chapter. That's partly the reason why I didn't update sooner. 

Please comment, vote, and tell your friends! (:

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