Chapter Three

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Kylees POV:
*beep beep beep*

my dumb fucking alarm was goin off. I threw it out the window. that's better. It's 6am. got up and went to my huge walk in robe with seventy hundred different clothes. i put on my skin coloured $399 imported from Italy Kanye west yeezys. then I put on my fav Jacob shirt that said "call me Mrs sartorius" and some $100 jeans from urban outfitters. I chucked it all on and went downstairs.

kylee get in the car!! my mom started yelling at me. so i did. after I did one last vine in this house.

I opened vine.

I'm moving house!!!!! time to dab goodbye!!!!!!
I dabbed and then whipped and nae naed then bottle flipped.

KYLEE GET IN TGE CAR my mom yelled

SHUT THE FUCK UP MOM IM VINING she's such a salty bitch i s2g

i jumped in the car and we went to the airport. my little brother sandalwood was asleep so i threw my shoe at him for sum shits and giggles.


I DID IT FOR THW VINE FUCK OFF MOM IM GOBNA FUCKING THROW A SHOE AT YOU IN A SEC AND DAB I yelled and fell asleep. when I woke up we were in our house on the other side of America. I fell asleep before the plane flight so I guess I sleep walked HAHA my viner talent. I decided to go outside and meet my neighbour.

The Boy Next Door | Jacob SartoriusWhere stories live. Discover now