Chapter 1

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These are official papers and documents sent to the Ministry For Magic about the Identity Of Harry Potter

Now I'm going to tell you all a bit about Harry Potter. You may all think that he's a hero, the amazing Boy Who Lived is that so?
Well, I'm going to let you in on a little secret.
Harry Potter is not who everyone thinks he is. Nor is he who he thinks he is. So all you 'Harry Potter fans' out there think that Harry Potter:
- lived 11 years with his 'aunt' and 'uncle' living in the cupboard under the stairs
- 'survived' an attack from The Dark Lord aged one
- 'belongs' in Gryffindor house
- parents are Lily Evans and James Potter
- has incredible talents
- amazing quidditch player?
- speaks parseltongue by inheriting it from the Dark Lord when he was 'ALMOST KILLED BUT SAVED by his mother's sacrifice?!
That last one was the biggest lie.
Love cannot save anyone simply by itself. Love is deceitful, unreal, a hoax. Controlling,

End of Chapter 1

Hey! Sorry for a short chapter! You're going to get a lot of those in this story unfortunately, but I'll try to be regular in updating.

Please don't forget to vote and/or comment!❤️

Also for those of you with Instagram, I would appreciate you following my Harry Potter fan acc, @ dracoscauldron

Thanks Potterheads!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2016 ⏰

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