Gone and Back Before You Know it.

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"I just can't do this anymore." She said running her hands through her hair looking away from the man on the bed

"I don't know what you mean Tabby, it's not like this is something new to us. It's been in our lives for years now."

Looking back over to him Tabby remembered all the times they shared with the crew, the dangerous and the fun times. He was right, doing crazy life-threatening things wasn't new to them, it's how they afford to live in their home, how they are able to live their lives and keep food on the table. It was just normal. She knew that. But what she also knew was that Brian craved it,  the adrenaline, the speed...the bullets.

"I just, I want a normal life Bri. I love you and want to be with you, forever. I don't want this forever to end so quickly. I can't lose you Brian." She said covering her face, a bit embarrassed by this sudden release of emotion. This really hurt Brian, he wanted these things too, especially with Tabby.

Sitting up in bed he opened his arms wide "Get over here."

Walking over to him, Tabby felt tears in her eyes. Brian pulled her into his lap nuzzling his face into the crook between her neck and shoulder, giving her a little kiss there.

"I know you have to do this" she said quietly coming to terms with what was going to happen. Brian was going to leave again for who knows how long.

"I'll be gone and back before you know it baby." He whispered holding her closer.

They needed this. This moment. The calm before the storm.

Brian moved so they were lying down in the bed. Holding her close. These are the moments he misses most when he has to go. The sweet and quite ones because when things gets crazy this is how he brings himself to push through, to make it home. For Tabby.

Turning over Tabby faced Brian "Don't forget to kiss me before you leave at least." Brian smiled a wide grin

"I wouldn't dream of it baby." With that he yanked her on top of him. Straddling his waist, she looked down at him; how did she get so lucky to be in love with such an amazing man. He pulled her face down to meet his. It was a long passionate kiss, one that makes you dizzy. Brian had always had that effect on her. She pulled away and rested her forehead on his and said "You better not die on me O'Conner. I can't just go back to living a normal life. What will I do with all this crazy car knowledge?"

"I won't. It's you and me baby. Ride or die."

Gone and Back Before You Know it. •Brian O'Conner one shot•Where stories live. Discover now