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"What can you tell us about Subject X07?"

The dim overhead lighting cast dark shadows along the cement walls of the interrogation room. Everything about the small box was cold and uninviting.

Callum shifted in his seat uncomfortably and glared up at the man seated on the opposite end of the table.

"She has a name."

"During this interview she will be referred to as Subjec-"

"Adeline. Her name is Adeline."

Saying her name sent shivers of pain through him as wounds began to reopen. It was as if blades were slicing through his chest creating a painful reminder.

"We have record of you two sharing an interaction a month ago on the sixteenth of June."

Callum was too busy lost in his thoughts to pay any attention to him.

"She would always say if you don't terrify people a little bit then what's the point? She needed someone who saw the fire in her eyes and wanted to play with it. I was that someone for her."

"So you knew her? Personally?"

"Yes," he murmured. "At least, I thought I did. Once. A long time ago."

"What was she like?"

Some crumpled copy of a smile crossed his face. "She was going to change the world."

And all around them, the world they once knew crumbled beneath their feet as everything burned.

BurningOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora