First Day Of Middle School

Start from the beginning

"So, who was it meant for?"

"Our so called 'family'." He tells them.

"Gina and them?"

"No, we're cool. It was meant for Ray, Jacob and all them." Santo answers.

"What happened?"

"They got mad because my mom's water broke while we were on tour, that's why I was kicked off of it. They been bitter since then." Santo answers.

I roll my eyes, "And all the stuff they post on social media about us, we're not gonna stoop to their level, but we aren't gonna let people believe lies."

"So, when they said y'all were ungrateful and never helped them, that was a lie too right, because I really don't want to believe it."

"That was the biggest lie they could tell. We all pitched in to get out of Compton, so that wasn't just us. But I've shared everything I've earned with them. We moved to a bigger, better house, they came with us. I made two million and some from my album, we paid to get Ray a new car, we paid Lolo's mom's rent, we paid for Jacob to get a paternity test for his daughter, we paid for the house they're living in now. I brought them on every tour I had so they wouldn't be left out. It was a vacation for all of them. None of them were working when we lived together, Yn and I paid all the bills. But yeah, we're selfish and ungrateful, most definitely." He is sarcastic at the end.

"Mm." The female host shakes her head. "Is this all of them or just some of them?"

"Everyone except for Wayne, Nicki, Chris and Rihanna. I totally understand why I was kicked off of tour, we would have held up the show for about four or five days. It just wasn't the right time for us to be touring, we have no problem with them. But the ones that were supposed to be our family, our friends from the start, turn out to be the fakest people this world has ever seen."

"And it's not all of them. Gavonni is still cool with us, so is Nique, but that's pretty much the only two that still just hang out with me and not ask for money." I add.

"Hm." The first host hums, shaking his head.

"There's always gonna be those few people that try to bring you down." The second adds.

"But I mean, at the end of the day, I'm still making money. I still got my family and my fans, so really, their opinions don't matter." Santo shrugs. "No matter what they say, ain't none of the important stuff changing."

"You think you guys can work it out?" The female host asks.

"It's been two years, and they're still bitter, so probably not anytime soon."

"Now, the next rumor, is Yn pregnant?" The first host switches the topic.

"Not yet." Santo answer, before I could speak.

"Yet?" They all ask.

"We're working on that." He laughs.

"You're gonna have another kid?" The female host asks me.

"Maybe." I shrug. "If God wants us to have another baby then we will, if he doesn't, then it wasn't meant to be."

"What most people don't realize is, we're only twenty seven and twenty-five. She's only been pregnant," He stops and looks up at the ceiling, counting on his fingers. "Triplets, Az, Twins." He looks forward again, speaking into the mic. "Three times." He finishes.

"Four." I correct.

"Right, four." He nods.

I noticed the host have confusion written all over their faces, and I decide to clarify. "I was pregnant once in between the triplets and Az. I had a miscarriage."

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