Only Lovers Left Alive - Chapter Three

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We had reached the edge of Alfheim in just two days time. Dain and Foster went ahead of the group to meet with the warriors while Nixie stayed behind with Rose and Fay. After a moment of silence, Nixie asked "So, Rose are you nervous about getting married?" Rose turned to look at Nixie and answered in a firm voice. "No. I do not understand why everyone thinks I'm going to be nervous. I was raised for this moment, and nothing is going to scare me away." she spat. Fay could feel the tension rising in the air, so before anything else was said, she sped off on Snow to meet up with the others. 

The wind whipped against Fay's face, turning her usual pale cheeks into a rosy red, along with her nose. She leaned down and gestured for Snow to go faster, which she did. Fay could see Foster and Dain along with four other figures off in the distance. In no time, she was upon the group. Fay hopped off Snow and went to stand between Dain and Foster who seemed to be intrigued by the female warrior. Foster was telling the story about the giant boar he had killed last winter, when Fay interrupted. "Oh hush Foster, you shouldn't bore this girl with your overly dramatic stories." Fay smirked and elbowed Foster in the side. This earned her a glare and a look that meant "I'll get you back later." Fay ignored her brother and turned to face the woman. She was tall. A little taller than Rose and she had long brown hair that was tied into a braid. She wore armour similar to Nixie's, but different all the same. "Hello, I'm Faylinn, but you can call me Fay. And you are?" Fay curtsied to the woman and she returned the gesture. "I'm Lady Sif and these are the warriors three. Behind her stood three men, all very different. The closest one to Sif was a blonde hair man that carried a sword. Fay had to admit, he was quite attractive, but there was a vibe he gave off that reminded her of her brother when it came to women. The one next to him was a very large man with red hair and a long beard. Lastly, there was a smaller, more sleek man with black hair. "Hello, I am Fandral, and you must be Princess Faylinn. It's an honor to meet you." the blonde haired man said as he picked up Fay's hand to kiss it. A slight blush grew on Fay's face, but she didn't let it phase her. The next two bowed, the red head introducing himself and the other. "It's an honor to meet you Princess Faylinn. I'm Volstagg and this here is Hogun." He patted the smaller man on the back and he nodded his head at Fay. "Well it's very nice to meet you all, and please you don't have to call me Princess Faylinn. I prefer just Fay." The four nodded and Foster struck up a conversation with Volstagg about hunts while Dain went on to Sif about our plans once we arrived in Asgard. Feeling awkward, Fay began back to Snow, grabbing an apple out of her pack and giving it to her. "There's a good girl." Fay cooed as she rubbed Snow's head. "This is quite a beautiful horse you have. What is it's name?" Fay spun around and reached for the knife that was kept on her side where her pants met her tunic only to find Fandral standing there. "You shouldn't sneak up on people like that, you could get yourself hurt." Fay stated quietly dropping her hand quickly to her side, but not before he had a chance to notice. "I heard about the attack your kingdom recently endured due to frost giants. I'm very sorry.." Fay held up her hand, signaling for him to stop, which he did. "I don't need your pity. We are all fine and that's what matters." Fay looked down at her boots to avoid eye contact. She could feel he was staring at her, so quickly she changed the subject. Clearing her throat, Fay told Fandral how her horses name was Snow. Just as Fay got into detail about how she had got Snow, the sound of horse hooves grew near and Fay knew it was Nixie and Rose. Once everyone introduced themselves, Lady Sif called to the sky. "Heimdall open the bifrost, we are ready!" Fay had heard of the bifrost many times, but had never actually encountered it. After Sif called for Heimdall a light covered all of them. All different colors surrounded them and suddenly they were no longer on the ground, but rather flying through a rainbow tunnel to Asgard. After a few seconds, they landed in a giant golden dome. In the center of the room stood a tall man in all gold armour, holding a sword. Fay assumed that was Heimdall, but didn't have a chance to ask because suddenly everyone was bowing. Fay was still in a trance from the Bifrost, that she hadn't realized she was in the presence of the royal family of Asgard. Flustered, Fay quickly bowed like rest before standing with the others. Lady Sif started the introductions. "Allfather this is Princesses Rosalie and Faylinn, Prince Foster, Warrior Dain, and Lady Nixie." "It is a pleasure to have to here in Asgard!" his voice boomed through the giant dome. Fay hadn't even noticed the people behind King Odin, because she was taken in by the beauty of the Bifrost. She was pulled back into reality when a sharp elbow landed in Fay's ribs making her curse under her breath. It was Rose who had put it there, but she had a good reason. A tall, very built man with long blonde hair and blue eyes had his hand extended to Fay. "You must be Princess Faylinn. I am Thor. It's an honor to meet you." he did the same as Fandral and kissed her hand. "Call me Fay, please. I've never cared for my formal full name." Fay mumbled as she got her hand back. "As you wish, Princess Fay. This is my mother, Frigga," he gestured to the woman standing beside Odin. She was quite beautiful, her long brown hair pulled up into a braid on her head. You could tell she was older, but she didn't lack any amount of beauty. I bowed at her, but instead of a bow in return, I received a warm hug. "We are very happy to have to staying with us here, Princess Fay." Frigga said into Fay's ear. Once Frigga was back in her place by Odin, Thor continued, his voice booming through the Bifrost. "And this is my younger brother, Loki." Thor stepped aside to show a man with medium length black hair and the most beautiful green eyes Fay had even seen before. He walked up and grabbed her hand, ever so gently, kissing the same spot Thor and Fandral had before him. "It's so nice to meet you, Princess Fay. I am Loki." He smiled and so did Fay. Fay was shocked at herself. She never was at lost of words because of a man before, but those eyes, that smile.. His facial structure was just amazing, as if sculpted to be perfect. "I-Um, It's nice to meet you too." Fay looked into his eyes, and she felt the heat return to her face. Quickly, she pulled away to face the others. "It's very nice to meet all of you. Thank you for letting us stay here." Fay stated smiling at all of them. "Well, how about we have Lady Sif show you to your rooms while the warriors tend to your horses." Odin practically commanded. Once he said that, the warriors grabbed the bags off the horses setting them onto the floor, then began walking the horses out of the Bifrost. Fay went to grab her bag just like Foster did with his and Thor did with Rose's, when a pair of pale hands stopped her. "Let me get that. You're a guest here, I don't think you should carry your own bag." Fay looked up, her eyes meeting those same green eyes. Flustered, Fay grabbed her bag slinging it over her shoulder. "Just because I'm a princess, doesn't mean I need people to wait on me hand and foot. I can take care of myself." Fay stated as she began out of the large dome, following her siblings. Foster had his bag, same as Nixie and Dain, but Thor was carrying Rose's. Fay could feel eyes boring into the back of her head. She turned to see Loki a few steps behind her. He had his hands clasped behind his back as he walked and he face was unreadable. Fay slowed so she could walk in sync with him. "So, you're Thor's younger brother, right?" Fay asked, but as soon as she did she regretted it. She saw something fill his eyes. Either hatred or jealously, she couldn't tell, but she knew that it was a touchy subject. "I'm the middle child. I understand what it's like to be second best. But at least not everyone is paying attention to you! You can get away with more!" Fay stated trying to lighten to mood between them. Whatever emotion that was on his face, left and was filled with amusement. "That is very true Princess Faylinn, but my brother and I have quite a bumpy past.. It's complicated." As he was speaking, Fay looked down to notice the bridge they were walking on. It was rainbow and with every step they took a soft little ping sound was made. Fay knew she'd be back out on this bridge to study it further. "Please, call me Fay. I hate the title 'Princess Faylinn' it's too formal for me." Fay pushed a stray blonde hair behind her ear that had fallen to her face. Loki chuckled and said "If you insist. As for me, well you can just call me Loki." he looked over at Fay and smiled. She returned the smile, looking into his eyes. Suddenly she wasn't on her feet anymore, but rather heading face first for the rainbow bridge. But right before she would've smashed her face into the bridge, two long arms wrapped themselves around her, stopping her from falling. "All you alright, Fay?" Fay looked up to see that Loki had caught her. Concern was plastered on his face and her own face betrayed her as it began turning bright red. She could hear Foster laughing. Fay had always been a klutz, especially if she wasn't paying any attention. "I'm fine!" Fay huffed standing quickly, grabbing her bag. In front of her was Foster bent over laughing. Rage filled Fay. She knew she shouldn't do anything that would embarrass them in front of the royal family, but Foster had it coming. Fay walked over to her younger sibling and kneed him right in the soft spot. He grunted and fell over, cursing her name. "That's what you get, asshole." Fay spat only loud enough for him and her to hear her. Odin and Frigga were way ahead of them by now and hadn't noticed the commotion, but everyone else had noticed. "Faylinn! Why must you act so childish?! We are guests here!" Rose complained. "Oh hush, Rose, you know he had it coming. It just so happen to come sooner than later!" Fay mused, but she could tell Rose wasn't happy. Fay sighed, mumbled an apology for her behavior and began walking again at a slow pace, so she wouldn't have to listen to her siblings. The sound of footsteps behind her reminded her that Loki was still there, and he had witnessed the entire thing. Fay sighed, feeling idiotic for her childish behavior. Rose was right, she shouldn't be acting that way in front of them. "Remind me never to laugh at you." Loki said laughing. His laugh was like music to Fay's ears and this bothered her. Never has she ever thought of one man so much. Even though she had only just met him, he had made her blush several times. "I'm sorry about that, it was inappropriate. It's just sometimes he gets under my skin and.." Fay stopped and squeezed her fists shut, trying to calm down. She hated being made a fool in front of people, but it's even worse when her stupid little brother had to be there to laugh at her. Loki leaned in closer to Fay, as if he were to share a secret. "Well, to me, it seemed like he had it coming." he whispered in her ear, sending chills up Fay's spine. "You don't even know the half of it. But still, it's only our first day here and I've already managed to hurt Foster. I'm just glad your parents didn't see it." Fay concluded. By then they had reached the end of the rainbow bridge. In front of them was a giant palace. It was much like hers at home, but also very different. The towers seemed like they touched the sky. "Wow.." Fay breathed. She hadn't noticed Loki still standing beside her. "Lady Sif asked me if I could show you to your room.. If that's alright with you." Loki explained pulling Fay's attention away from the palace. "You have a lovely home, Loki. I can't wait to explore it!" Fay practically squealed. She loved going new places, seeing new things. It's what she lived for. That's also a main reason she loved to visit Midgard as often as she did. Although humans were a bit on the slow side, Fay loved going to different parts of Earth and seeing the pure beauty it has to offer. Loki chuckled again. That chuckle, Fay thought.. Fay waved off her thought as she gestured for him to lead the way. She watched him as he walked. He wasn't as fit as his brother, but he wasn't unfit either. In fact, he was very tall. A good few inches taller than Fay. He was very lean too, which made him even more attractive in Fay's eyes. A blush crept across her cheeks as these thoughts ran through her mind. She mentally shook them away, filing them in a different part of her brain, so that she could think about it later when he wasn't around. They had walked down two long corridors already and when they turned right into another one Loki suddenly stopped at a door, making Fay crash into him. She let out a laugh along with a "sorry." He smiled at her and proceeded to open the door. Inside was a huge oval bed with golden sheets. Opposite the bed was two wide doors that opened up to a balcony. Fay dropped her bag onto the floor with a loud thud and ran over to the doors, yanking them open. Golden curtains blew in the wind as she walked out to look over Asgard. It was breathtaking. Their city was probably twice the size of theirs. "Enjoying the view?" Loki said, breaking the silence. "Yes, its stunning! Nothing like home. I love it!" Fay's smile grew wide as she looked over at Loki. "Well maybe someday this week, if you like, I can show you around the kingdom and the town. Wouldn't want you getting lost and into trouble, now would we?" Loki toyed smirking at her. Fay looked back at the city and nodded, her hair whipping in the wind. "How does tomorrow sound? After breakfast?" Fay asked. She was never a patient girl, and she was ready to see all that Asgard had to offer. "I think I can arrange that." Loki put his hands behind his back, clasping them together. A yawn escaped Fay's lips and in that moment she finally realized how tired she actually was. "You need your rest, Princess Faylinn if you plan on exploring all day with me tomorrow." Loki remarked as he made his way back into her room. Fay followed, letting him out. "I told you not to call me that! And it was very nice to meet you, Loki. Thank you for showing me to my room." Fay said as another yawn escaped her lips making him chuckle once more. Loki reached down, grabbing Fay's hand like he had before and placed a small, warm kiss on her knuckles. "You are very welcome. I will see you tomorrow. Sleep well, Fay." he whispered. Fay blinked and she was alone. This honestly didn't shock Fay. She knew a magic user when she saw one, and Loki definitely was one. It didn't take long for Fay to get ready for bed and by the time she did, it was dark out. She climbed into the huge bed and fell asleep thinking of those green eyes and that chuckle.

Notes: I'm so sorry it's been so long since I've updated. I haven't been able to get on the computer much, so that means no writing. :/ but I've got some good ideas going and I plan on uploading the next chapter soon. Leave a comment telling me what you think? I'd love to hear your opinions(don't be mean.) Well, anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter and we will talk next time.

- Sarah.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2013 ⏰

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