Chapter 2- Stranger

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 "Nothing fits anymore!" Natalie complained as she tried to fit yet another dress over her very pregnant stomach.

"Nat, you're almost 9 months pregnant and you're trying to fit into normal dresses. They're just not going to work," I explained to her, helping her struggle to remove the too tight dress.

Once she finally wiggled free, she smiled at me softly. "I know sweetie, but they don't really have that many perfect party dresses for pregnant people! I just wanted to look good tonight."

I smiled brightly and checked the time. The artificial light from my phone shined 2:03 pm. "You know Natalie," I started, "there's always time to shop. I'm sure we'll find something." She smiled so bright that it brought shame to the stars. It's not too hard to keep her happy.


"Well aren't you two beautiful!" Sammi exclaimed, making her way into the living room from the kitchen. I smiled at her as Natalie wobbled over to give her a hug. I waited for her to let go before I made my way over to Sammi as well, giving her a hug. As I let go, I took a minute to admire her outfit. She was wearing a deep blue long sleeve dress that hugged her waist then flowed down to her knees.

Natalie let out a dismissive sound as she made her way over to Jinxx and Dad who were holding Jinxx and Sammi's twins. Alexander and Genevieve, who we all call Lex and Genna, are three months old already. It's unbelievable, but I can't believe I'm going to be a sister more. Literally any day now it will be time for Nat to have the sweet baby.

I shake my head at Sammi and make a sweeping gesture to her. "Yea, okay! Speak for yourself! You look amazing."

We both laugh as she thanks me and walks off. "Sure, sure. Hey, I've got to get back into the kitchen and finish up some of the food, but enjoy yourself, okay? I'll see you in a bit." She turns and takes a few steps before she abruptly turns back around. "Oh, Des! I just remembered. Someone called here for you earlier. They said something about being an old friend of yours or something."

It didn't make much sense, really. I've never had too many friends or anything, so I figured it must be a mistake or something. "Okay, thanks Sammi."

As soon as she disappeared around the corner, my eyes turned to meet someone else's. There was a familiar looking stranger standing on the other side of the room and he was staring straight at me. A chill ran down my spine and an uneasy feeling passed over me, but I shoved it mostly to the back of my mind. I shook my head and offered him a small, wary smile. Okay, a stranger's staring at us, I scolded myself, but he's a friend of someone here. You're safe. The stranger's face broke out into a massive smile and he nodded to me.

"Desiree," I heard someone yell behind me. I looked back to see Ashley Purdy, a friend of Dad's, coming towards me. I shot him a quick smile before turning to my original position. When I did, the stranger was no longer there. I shook my head. I must be really tired or losing my mind. "Desiree, hey," Ashley said, putting a hand on my arm. I turn my full attention to him and tried to give him my best I'm-not-losing-my-mind smile, but he wasn't too convinced. "Des, are you okay?"

I nodded, taking one last look at where the guy had been standing. "Yea, I'm fine."


So, I updated! I am seriously so sorry that I haven't posted in forever. I'm not going to come up with a lame excuse of why I haven't. I just honestly had very bad writer's block, was in a reading slump, and just didn't have that much time. Regardless, I've posted. I hope to get back into it and start writing at least somewhat regularly, but I can't promise. I do give you guys the permission to be totally mad at me. Anyways, thank you guys for reading and I hope y'all enjoyed (despite the length). ❤

Maybe One Day (Sequel to "My Dad Is Ronnie Radke")Where stories live. Discover now