Chapter 8

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         I grabbed the dragon off my neck and set it on the windowsill. I whispered to it,"I thought I told you that you didn't have to come back to me. It's dangerous for you to be around me."
The dragon nudged my hand signaling that it wanted to be pet. I gently stroked the long, smooth scales which ran down its body. It began to purr again.
" I have a lot on my mind right now,Fenix. Sometimes, I wish I could actually talk to you, like a person. That would surely help right about now." My hand slowly dropped back to my side; a sigh escaped my mouth and I stared out the window.
        "Of course, I have been wanting to talk to you for the longest time, Gwendolyn!" A voice exclaimed causing me to quickly turn around. No one was there. Strange.
          "You obviously don't understand that you have a special gift,"the voice continued,"an extremely rare gift even in the elemental world."
           I turned back to the windowsill and the dragon was sitting calmly looking me in the eye. That's impossible."Did you..."
"Yes,"the voice replied the dragon tilted it's head,"I didn't know you could make an anima link."
"A what?"
"An anima link, an energy bond made when someone creates a unique bond with someone or something It said to be so strong that it might actually connect the minds and souls of the two involved. Probably, why we are having this conversation," Fenix continued to explain the extremely rare elemental ability that was believed to be connected to the anima link.He was just as surprised as I was to actually be experiencing something so rare that it was thought to no longer be possible. We soon just started to catch up on everything that has happened between us.
            "But,wait, I'm human. I can't possibly have this ability. There has to be someone else in this world that is able to do this," I questioned.
            "Gwen? Who are you talking -" Willow opened the door and fell back in shock when she saw the dragon which began to look just as frightened.
         Serra came in shortly after with Kianne and Zan behind her. "Willow, is everything o-". They all stood in shock as the dragon landed in front of me in a battle stance. Wings and claws prepared to strike if necessary.
          "Don't worry, Gwen! I'll protect you!" Fenix exclaimed with a warning hiss towards the group at the door.
         I jumped in front of him and stood firmly,"Fenix! They are the ones who helped me. Don't hurt them. Just calm down." Fenix relaxed. I extended my arm for him to perch himself,which he gladly accepted. Then, I turned to address everyone else." This is Fenix. An old friend of mine."
            "How did you get him to calm down so quickly?" Zan questioned.
            " I spoke with him and told him to calm down,so you all wouldn't get hurt."
            Willow was back to her feet and quickly asked,"You spoke to him.How?"
          "I think he mentioned that it might be something called an anima link," I replied trying to access my memory.
           "That's impossible." Kianne rebuked. They all stared at me with eyes that were full of fear and awe. I stormed outside to give them all some space. The fresh air was relieving as I took a deep breath in an attempt to calm down. I'm even a freak among people with crazy powers;hard to believe.
"You know, you talk to yourself quite loud," a voice stated behind me. I turned around and saw a man in a dark brown jacket and maroon button-up. His dark denim pants covered just high enough to show his crisp ebony shoes.
"Y-yes," I replied startled,"it's normal, for me at least."
"You must be the human Serra,Zan, and Kianne helped out,right?" The man continued keeping his head slightly tilted down as he leaned against the wall. He did so almost purposefully to avoid my gaze.
"Yes," I answered.
"Well human-" he began but I quickly cut him off.
"My name is not 'human'," I said firmly,"My name is Gwendolyn,or Gwen for short."
There was a brief awkward silence between us."I understand that. But so you know,Gwendolyn,I can sense a difference in you. You're not human, but also not like other elementals. You-," he stopped suddenly.
              "Gwen!" Willow shouted. She ran up to me and hugged me tight with regret and sorrow deeply embedded in her tone,"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to startle you and your 'pet'. I just hadn't seen a dragon this up close before.Please forgive me,Gwen,please."
            I hugged back trying to loasen her grip,which she did. I replied,"It's alright. I hadn't seen him in a while either so you and I were kinda in the same boat."
            "Alright, now that that is settled, how long have you been able to do that?"asked another gentleman. He looks a little like Zan. I hesitated and didn't answer.
            "My apologies,"he said noticing my uncomfortable demeanor and extending his hand for me to shake,"I'm Ezekiel. Zeke for short. It's. nice to officially meet you Miss-"
           "Gwendolyn, or Gwen. It doesn't really matter to me."
           "We want you to tell us what happened between you and that dragon,"Kianne said with slight worry lacing her tone.
            I looked around at each of them and sighed."Well-".

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