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After Kiera left, I realized a few things; One, the girl that I was in love with has a boyfriend, she’s on a date with him right now and…It’s Friday night, five o’clock and I should not be staying home alone. I decided that I needed to go to the mall. I quickly went to the kitchen and opened the fridge., pulling out a banana. A trip to the supermarket was in order as well. The only problem was, I would need to stop at the bank. Finishing the banana, I pulled on my jacket and felt around for my keys. Feeling them in my pocket, I turned off the lights and TV and made my way out the house

                Arriving at the bank, I waited on the line until a clerk was open. Once it was, i walked up to the lady behind the desk. I recognized her as Mrs. Jenkins. Mrs. Jenkins was an old family friend who would always, when I was little, give me a few hard lemon candies whenever she saw me. I smiled in remembrance as she began to speak.

                “Hi there honey, how can I help you today?” She said in her sweet, motherly tone. Mrs. Jenkins looked very young for her age. Though, if my math was right, which it was almost all of the time, she had to be around the mid fifties, but you couldn’t tell by looking at her. She had long flowing brown hair that stopped just short of her mid back. She was about five foot four and was even looking fit from what seemed to be Pilates.

                “Hi! I’m here to withdraw some money.” I said to her.

                “Oh really? I haven’t seen you around before?”

                “On my, you don’t remember me?” I feigned hurt.         

“No, I’m sorry but I don’t.”

                “Well that’s a shame, because I’m sure that a little scrawny boy who you would always give hard candies to, remembers you quite well.” Suddenly, recognition flashed across her face.

                “Oh my…Tacer is that you?”

                “In the flesh Mrs. Jenkins” I said with a wide smile. She squealed a little and ran around her booth. Without a word, she pulled me into a tight hug.

                “Oh my god I haven’t seen you in years. Let me get a look at you!” she said with excitement as she released me and looked me up and down. She motioned for me to spin around. After I modeled myself, she looked at me in the eyes.

                “Oh my” she was saying that a lot. “You look absolutely gorgeous. Even if you are a boy you are still gorgeous. If I was a few years’ younger I would…well, let’s not go into that. We need to catch up for a bit. You don’t mind do you?”

                “Of course not. You know I could never say no to you.” Mrs Jenkins put a closed sign on her booth and we made our way outside the building. We walked to the small tea shop across the street and ordered some drink and cookies. As the tea and cookies came, we began to talk.

                “So, how have you been?” she asked me.

                “I’ve been ok. I missed being here but I’m back now so that all that matters.”

                “Always still soft spoken I see.” She replied, referring to the tone I spoke in.

                “Oh, trust me, my soft spoken side only comes out at various times. Most of the time, I have an un-usually cocky, even sometimes teasing tone when I talk to people.”

                “I’m sure Keira must love to hear you talk to her then.” I stopped. What did she mean?

                “W-what do you mean Mrs. Jenkins?”

                “Ugh for one, it’s Chelsea. And second, don’t play coy with me ‘Tacy’. I know for a fact that you like Keira.”

                “Uh…no Chelsea, you’ve got the wrong--“

                “Oh please. I’ve known for years now. Just drop the act why don’t you.” I sighed. I hated the feeling of liking someone but never knowing how to tell them and keeping it in. It sucks…big time.

                “Fine, you got me. I do like Keira, but she has a boyfriend. So I doubt that she likes hearing that voice all too much.”

                “Aw I’m sorry to hear that. Your reason for moving back doesn’t want you.”

                “H-how did you know that?” She laughed. Dammit, was I that laughable?

                “I didn’t you just told me.”

                “Oh. Well I feel dumb.”

                “Honey it’s fine. And you’re not dumb, just lovestruck. But don’t worry, it’ll fix itself in time.”

                “I hope your right. Well, I’ve gotta go, can’t let the stores wait now can I?”

                “Oh well, I’ll see you later.” She said giving me one of her bear hugs.

                “Of course.” After I said goodbye, I walked out to my car and made my way to the supermarket. After spending nearly 200 in the market, I made my way home. I put the food up and walked back outside. Making my way to the mall, I kept thinking of Keira. I sighed.

                “Why is it always me?” I asked myself. I decided to forget about my girl troubles as I walked into the mall.

                “First thing first…American Eagle!” Entering the store, I immediately made my way to the Henley’s, Picking up some new Skinny jeans along the way. Grabbing a few Henley’s and some hoodied shirts, I went to the cash register.

                “Hi!” the sales girls said. She had that look in her eyes. You know the look. The one that says; your ass is mine u sexy piece of…well you get it.

                “Hi.” I replied back.

                “What’s your name?” She said as she began ringing the items up.

                “Grant, Tacer Grant. And yours?” I asked with a smile. She stopped what she was doing and shook my hand. She was cute. Wouldn’t take my mind off of…her, but she was cute. She had long red hair with black roots. It framed her face perfectly and gave her the sweet innocent school girl look. From what I could see, she had a medium body but wasn’t overly tall nor short. It looked like she worked out by the looks of things.  

                “Lisa. It’s very nice to meet you Tacer. Haven’t seen you around here. You must be new.” After a little chatting, she finished ringing up the clothes.

                “That comes up to one hundred and three.”

                “Uh…that’s not--“

                “Shh. Now pay.” She said with a smile. I paid and thanked her for the discount.

                “No problem.”

                ‘Oh. Can I get an application?”

                “Of course here you go!” she said handing me two pieces of paper. One being the application, the other…her number.

                “Thank you. See you later.”

                “Of course!” she said. I walked out the store and made my way to the next one. That seemed to happen everywhere I went. I liked the whole giving me a discount thing but, damn. I cant find nothing wrong with that.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2012 ⏰

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