Chapter Eighteen: Beasts of Burden

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It was the laws of the wild. He was not showing her he lorded above her but simply reminding her that he was stronger. His jaw clamped down harder and she gave a pained yelp as his teeth sank into her neck. She whimpered and quivered and he gave a low growl before he released her neck, nosing it as he inhaled before he licked at the bleeding wounds he had given her, a small whine of apology in his throat before he walked around her, brushing his fur against hers, marking her with his scent heavily.

It was heady for her, the smell of such an electric charge was like a punch to her senses. He was a virile male in his prime and she was appreciative of the gift that he was to her. He nudged her with his snout, urging her to move. She slowly uncurled from her position, going up on her hind legs. It was almost amusing for me to see how she almost towered over his form. Being a bipedal beast, while he was larger than her when she was crouched down, he was smaller than her as she stood up. He didn't seem to care as he nudged her again, urging her to run with him.

She fell forward, digging her claws into the floor as she ran after him. He yipped at her, urging her to run faster. They ran around the outside of the large room again and again. It wasn't the streets and it wasn't the wilds but for a beast it was enough for the moment. I felt my beast, and even myself, relaxing as we ran. It was what we needed, to simply run, to pretend for a moment that we did have freedom.

I wasn't sure how long we had run for but her muscles screamed at her in protest and she fell behind Ajax's own beast. We could run in our city quickly for a long time but Ajax was a creature from the wild, endurance was the name of the game for him. She gave a small yip as her legs buckled underneath her. It wasn't a bad feeling, she was happy and content, she just couldn't run anymore. He slowly to a jog and turned to come back to her. Her tongue lolled out of her mouth as she dragged herself to a corner of the room and curled up.

He followed slowly and curled around her. She whimpered at me and I gave a deep groan as she shifted us back, pushing herself back into my small form. The move made the transition that much more teeth grinding. My muscles screamed in protest as I was left to deal with the after effects of her and Ajax's run. The large wolf curled around my form a bit tighter and I sunk down against him, my breath heaving my chest as my heart pounded.

My beast was a rude bitch sometimes. I dug my fingers into Ajax's fur, it was soft against my skin and his cold nose bumped my shoulder before he licked me. I covered my chest up and curled into him, closing my eyes as I tried to get my heart and my breathing to calm down. I was just thankful my agitation was nearly completely gone and I no longer felt like I was itching to get out of my skin.

His large chest rumbled with contentment as I leaned against him more. I felt exhausted and simply allowed myself to relax completely. His presence was calming and I felt my mind gently floating away on the sounds of his breathing and his heart beat. Darkness teasing me as I slowly slipped further and further away from reality.


Ajax's deep and deadly growls woke me from my sleep and I cracked my eyes open, disorientated as to where I was and what was going on.

"I warned you, Octavia." Benjin's voice held an edge to it and I blinked away the blurriness from my eyes, trying to see where they were. Ajax gave another deep growl, his wolf form was wrapped around me protectively, his ears pinned back and his teeth bared at the approaching line of people. Numerous armoured people moved towards us slowly and almost a bit warily.

"Don't give me that attitude, Benjin." Octavia's voice was equally sharp and I caught a glimpse of her behind the line of people. I pushed myself closer to Ajax, I didn't particularly like the thought of being shoved back into that room. My wolf whined in protest at the mere thought of it and my heart raced in panic. I couldn't be trapped like that again.

The Wild Hunt (Downworlder Series, #1)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz