Another Rumble

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"Another rumble?" Johnny and I said at the same time. "Oh my God. Guys we cant go to the rumble!" I shouted. "Why not? We can stomp 'em and they will stop bugging us!" Dally said excitingly. I cant tell them Hal threatened to kill me, I left that part out on purpose. I won't tell them. The gang started getting ready and  I heard Pony ask SodaPop  the weirdest question. "Hey Soda, when did you start shaving?" "Why?" Soda yelled back. "You planning on growing a beard for the rumble?" I stifled a laugh. I dug my crutches out of a closet and started swinging them around. "Good lord Charlotte! Not in the house!" Darry yelled. "Sorry I'm practicing for the rumble." Darry sighed and shook his head. Half an hour later, the whole gang was ready.  I was playing the weak girl act. Hopefully, Dan would try to pick on me so I could beat him senseless with my crutches. Hahahaha. I almost feel sorry for him.  We reached the lot just as the Shepard gang got there. The socs had been there. The second we stepped onto the lot they attacked us. I picked Dan out from the crowd and beat him with my crutches, just like I had planned. Dan suddenly took my crutches and snapped them clean in half.  I went pale as snow. "Just like a neck, huh boys?" I looked around to see the socs had all us greasers in head locks. Dan circled me. "Bleed to death? Drown her? Break her neck? Oh the possibilities are endless! You know Charlotte, I thought you would be a soc when I first saw you, but I can tell you are just as  useless as your buddies here. You know what I bought the other day, just for this rumble? A knife.What do you think I should do with it Daniel?" The boy who had Dally in a head lock shrugged. " I dunno, maybe stick her in the stomach and let her bleed?" Dan grinned. "I knew you would be usefull. Now, lets get started." He flicked a lethal looking knife out. "Say goodbye to your boyfriend Charlotte"


 As a soc had me in a head lock, I watched Dan circle Charlotte, like a hunter going in for a kill. I caught sight of Dan's eyes once, and they seemed to be voids of blackness! What is going on?  I looked at all the greasers. They were all silently struggling to get out. Wait, where is Darry and that soc who was holding him? The last I saw him was when that soc said Dan should stab Charlotte in the stomach. I looked back at Dan. He was tracing Charlottes belly with the knife, teasing her. He raised the knife and said the words I will never forget. "Say goodbye to your boyfriend Charlotte."

A/N I can't decide what I should do next, so give me ideas people! I need them. Soooooo.




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I am not scared. Even though I will be leaving behind the gang if I die, I am not scared. I don't even try to fight Dan. I meet the gangs eyes, one by one, as if saying goodbye. Then, I look into Dans eyes, planning to stare at him until I die. When I see his eyes, I don't see humans eyes, I see savage eyes. This scares me, but I don't look away. Dan rears his had back, abot to stab my stomach when I hear a gunshot. The blade of the knife is now lying  yards away. Some one tackles Dan to the gound. I roll to the left to avoid getting crushed. I hear fighting and people running away. The fighting people are moving this way. I jump up and run out of the way, only to crash into Johnny! He hugs me and tells me to run home, that the gang will finish this. I nod and first, run to a nearby fast food resturant. I am starving! After I finish I sprint home.

When I opened the door to the house, I could tell something was wrong. The whole gang was listening to someone and they all looked serious and confused. The new comer looked at me. For some reason, he reminded me of Mavis, the  boss of orphanage. He cleared his throat. "Are you Charlotte Dwyer?" I flinched. Dwyer was my last name before I was adopted. "Actually, its Charlotte Curtis now, they adopted me. Anyway, who are you and what are you doing here?" The guy shook his head. "Once the Curtis parents died, no one in the Curtis family was old enough to legally adopt you." I saw where he was going and I didn't like it one bit. He continued. "When Johnny Cade brought you here, and the Darrel took you in, it was not done legally." No. He was not doing this. He can't! "Charlotte, Darrel practically kidnapped you, he will be arrested and sent to jail and Johnny Cade, bringing you here, will be going to juvenile hall. You on the other hand, will be coming back to the orphanage with me, and the Curtis family will not be getting you back, or seeing you ever again. Now, please go pack your bags. It will be a long ride home.And to answer your previous question, I am Patrick Johnnsen, Mavis's son." I sunk to my knees. He was taking me away, and sending Darry to jail and Johnny to juvie! This sick moster was taking me away from my family! I wouldn't see them again, and if I would get adopted, the new parents would probably be horrible. Never to see Johnny or Darry or the gang again. NO. I was not going to go. "You are not taking me away. I will run away. If you take me, I will make your life miserable. You will never be at peace Patrick, I swear it on my life!" Patrick sighed. "I was hoping I wouldn't have to do this the hard way."  He pulled out a gun. Not the normal kind, a tranquilizer gun. "Mavis sent me to get you, and I am not leaving until you are in my car. Now pack your bags, or you won't be saying goodbye to this miserable excuse of a family. Now move!"

When I didn't move he shouted at me. "I did not save your life just so you could stay with your captors!!!" I yelled back. "They are not my captors you idiot!!! They rescued me when Mavis never even tried looking for me! Why don't you just leave this house??!!!" The next thing I knew, I was pinned up against the wall, not able to breath and two feet from the floor. "Mavis sent me, I will bring you to the orphanage calmly or forcebely!" Struggling to breath, I clawed at his hand. All of a sudden, Patrick went limp and Pony was shouting:"RUN CHARLOTTE BEFORE HE WAKES UP!" So I did.

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