Pt 10

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Miera's POV


“In the meantime, you should get some sleep,” Temari said.

I bit my lip.

“I'm fine,” I said.

“No, you're not. You've been shaking for quite a while out of fear, and you are extremely pale. Also, your hair has gone white. You are both scared and clearly tired,” Kankuro said.

Hang on, since when was he so serious?

“Kankuro and I were about to retire to our own rooms, so you can crash here on the couch for the night,” Temari said.

She and Kankuro stood up and exited the room after saying goodnight, leaving Gaara and I alone again.

“They are right. Get some sleep,” Gaara said.

It was only then that I realised I actually was tired.

I lay down on the couch, more or less curling up in a ball.

Glancing at Gaara quickly, I closed my eyes.

I fell asleep instantly.

I opened my eyes the following morning.

A blanket was draped over me, and I could hear talking in the kitchen.

I lay there for a minute or so, allowing myself to wake up fully.

Slowly, I got up and walked into the kitchen.

Temari and Kankuro were there.

“How are you?” Temari asked.

“I'm fine. Why?” I asked.

“Gaara said you were talking in your sleep, and it didn't seem like happy stuff,” she said.

“Oh. Yeah, I had some nightmares,” I sighed.

“Akatsuki?” Kankuro asked.

Temari glared at him as I nodded my head sadly.

“You slept like a rock though. Gaara's already left for his office,” Temari said quickly.

“Oh. Okay,” I said.

I made myself cereal for breakfast and ate it slowly.

It tasted and felt like cardboard in my mouth, so I had to force myself to eat it. (Not that I've ever eaten cardboard, know.)

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