Part 6

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Miera's POV


I walked into the lounge, and walked into Kankuro.

As if worried I would fall over, he grabbed my arms.

I glared at him, silently trying to tell him to let go if he valued his life.

He missed the message.

“Nice new clothes,” he said.

“Shut up, punk, before I punch the paint of your ignorant face,” I growled.

He let go of my arms quickly.

“Well, the properly-speaking girl sure vanished quick,” he smirked.

“Yeah, and got replaced by your worst nightmare, so watch it,” I licked my fangs for affect.

I got the right reaction, and he hurried away, terrified out of his wits (not that he had many).

Temari smirked from where she had watched the whole thing.

“Looks like someone's finally going to tell him off,” she smiled.

“Sure does. Now that he's been warned, he's most likely going to watch what he does,” I grinned.

Her smile vanished.

“Gaara's been all angry since yesterday. Got any ideas why?”

I thought about the last comment he had said to me.

“I have one, but I don't think it's correct,” I said.

“What is it?” she pressed.

I shook my head. “Can't be why. It doesn't matter,” I said quickly.

But what had he meaned?

Later that day


I sat on the roof, thinking about what had happened over the past few monthes of my life.

I had finished my training, and found my way back to my friends, but with a fake disguise.

I lived with them for a while, until Gaara found out who I really was.

And that was just yesterday.

I sighed, and buried my face in my hands.

“Don’t be so hard on yourself,” Temari said, coming to sit beside me.

“Seriously? Tem, I've tried so hard to keep my identity hidden, and within minutes, all that effort has been undone. I hate my appearance. I hate what I'm capable of. Changing for is the only way I can be happy,” I sighed. I felt my hair turn into a light blue colour, much like flowing water.

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