Who Knows What Could Happen (Gaara One Shot)

Start from the beginning

These were the kind of guys that didn’t allow that to happen. They couldn’t be kind and just let a tired, sick girl just pass by and fight her in the morning. That kind of guy just plain old urks me.

Suddenly, the boys were moving, and I don’t mean moving aside. They were in front of me before I could even blink and before I knew what was happening I was being flipped through the air over and over again. Sent in one direction and then sent in another, a helpless ragdoll being torn apart by wolves. I hit the ground hard and stayed down for a moment fading in and out of consciousness.

“Eff my life.” I complained pushing off the ground. I winced looking up at the boys who stood over me proudly. What jerks.

“You just don’t know when to quit.” The one said and a kick was aimed at my jaw. I closed my eyes waiting for the pain which never came. Slowly, I opened one eye and then the other miraculously seeing a swirl of sand guarding me. For a moment, I sat paralyzed looking at the sand and then the sand erupted and the three boys were thrown backwards out of my sight. A new swirl of sand appeared and the sand blew outwards revealing a boy with red hair standing in front of me.

It took me a moment to take in his appearance and then I fell backwards onto my butt staring up at him in disbelief.

“I-It’s you!” I stuttered taking in the outfit, the hair, the eyes, and the gourd. “The Kazekage!” I exclaimed. The smallest of smiles tickled his lips and he held a hand out to me.

“You should be more careful.” He said helping me to my fight. He glanced down at my clothes and his smile disappeared. “They made quite a mess of you.” He said and gently touched my stomach where I was bleeding from the slightest kunai knife. I blushed madly and pulled back from him.

“Oh, okay thanks.” I said looking around awkwardly. “I’ll get right on that. Thanks again.” I said spinning away from him and sprinting towards home. ‘You’re being such a girl Noir.’ I told myself ignoring the feeling of his eyes on my retreating back.

~End Flashback~

As interesting as that had been, I would have much rather met under better circumstances where I could have shown off my mad fighting skills and still looked pretty good doing it. Not a disoriented fighter with a blood stained baggy shirt because I was ready for bed when I left the house. But of course I wasn’t exactly expecting to run into the Kazekage on my midnight stroll. A stray dog or cat maybe but definitely not him.

He broke through the hype at least. He was absolutely gorgeous in reality.

“What exactly is the rush? We have all night.” Sora asked as we cut through an alley to get to the apartments on the other side.

“I don’t know how long he’s going to be here for.” I said letting my plans slip. I cursed myself in my head hoping she didn’t hear me.

“Whose ‘he?’” Sora asked with that little hint to her voice that just screamed, ‘I’m smirking’.

“No one.” I said hoping to recover from the already humiliating circumstances.

“Yeah, right. I totally believe you. Come one, who is he?” She asked and I rolled my eyes.

“Well,” I started and turned another corner. The Kazekage was in the best room we could provide and as high classed ninja, Sora and I knew the whereabouts so I assumed that she would catch on to who it was shortly.

“Wait a minute!” She exclaimed as if on cue. “Are we going to the Kazekage?”

‘Wow, she actually figured it out pretty fast.’ I thought to myself and skidded to a stop in front of the building.

“This is it.” I said taking in a deep breath. “He’s in there.” I said nodding to the building.

“Oh wow. When I suggested going trick-or-treating I definitely didn’t mean we were to go to the Kazekage’s front door.” Sora said and I rolled my eyes.

“Too late now.” I took the first few steps up the stairs to the door and hesitated when I reached the door. I took a deep breath and then turned back around to Sora. “YOU KNOCK!” I exclaimed rather loudly.






Suddenly, light flooded over us and we both turned to the door to see none other than the Kazekage standing in the doorway looking at us. My eyes widened and he looked at us blankly. We were both dressed in animal costumes, Sora being a rabbit and myself being a cat.

“A little old to be trick-or-treating don’t ya think?” A voice asked from inside the room. We both looked passed the Kazekage at a boy chilling on the couch in a black jumpsuit with a cat ears hat and purple face mask stuff. He smirked and leaned back putting his arm across the back of the couch.

“Christmas came early for me this year.” He said and winked at us. I made a face and looked back to the Kazekage. It felt weird calling him ‘Kazekage’ all the time.

“Did you…want candy?” The Kazekage asked holding up a bowl of candy for us to see.

‘I want you but you won’t fit in the bag.’ I thought and then face palmed myself innerly. ‘That was not normal Noir.’

I blushed madly drawing a blank on an answer.

“Yes please!” Sora exclaimed excitedly with rainbow eyes. The Kazekage chuckled a bit and let her take a handful of candy from the bowl. “Thank you!” She added after finishing and turning to walk back down the stairs.

“Uh…thanks Lord Kazekage.” I said awkwardly.


“Sorry?” I asked confused.

“Call me Gaara. It’s my name.” Gaara said and I nodded walking backwards to head back down the stairs. I slipped completely spacing on the whole stairs factor and started falling backwards but was quickly swept up by sand and my hand was snatched by Gaara’s pulling me forwards into him. After I was on solid ground again I blinked and looked at him. “Are you alright?” He asked looking down at me with kind eyes. I jumped back away from him and thrust my hands behind my back.

“Fine!” I exclaimed quickly. This completely sucked. He was making me all klutzy and uncoordinated. Well, more so than usual at least. And I was blushing way more in the past couple days then I had in my entire life. I looked at the ground embarrassed by my failed attempt to exit gracefully while Sora was cracking up at the bottom of the stairs.

“You idiot! You almost fell down the stairs!” She exclaimed rolling around on the ground. “Ow!!! My stomach! My stomach! I can’t stop laughing!” She started twitching on the ground and I looked at her annoyed.

“It wasn’t that funny.” I mumbled. Gaara just smirked at me and crossed his arms leaning against the door frame.

“That’s twice now that I’ve saved you.” He said looking at me sneakily.

“Yeah, so?” I asked and he pushed off the wall to lean over me. He was a bit taller than me so I shrunk down a bit and took a step back pinning myself against one of those pillar things holding up the roof.

“How do you say you pay me back by going out to dinner with me?” He asked and I blushed furiously with wide eyes. I wondered if he noticed how distracted he made me.

“Uh, sure?” I asked not feeling like I was doing him a favor. Rather he was doing me one. “When?”


“Now?” I asked perplexed.

“I’m leaving tomorrow.” He explained and reached behind himself closing the door. “Who knows, maybe this dinner will end nicely.” He said and I felt strangely drawn to him. Intrigued by the intense stare of his eyes, the smell of him, and the messy red hair that lightly tickled the side of my face. All of it just drew me in.

“Who knows what could happen.” I agreed.

Best decision of my life.

Who Knows What Could Happen - Gaara One ShotWhere stories live. Discover now