Chapter 15: Separation

Start from the beginning

"Hmm?" She said, looking up from the book she had gotten out of her bag.

"Before Dumbledore began talking, you were going to ask me something?"

"Oh yeah. What are you doing this Christmas? Are you coming home or staying here?"

"Oh. Urm, I think I might stay here this time for a change. You know... I'm going to look at some jobs and stuff soon. I can't wait to finish school."

"Don't change the subject Missy. I think we both know the real reason you are staying. I'm sure a certain someone is looking forward to Christmas." She said grinning. Ron snorted into his drink and I hit Hermione on the arm.

"Ew! No! Hermione! Trust you! But it will be nice to spend some time with him."

"I'm sure it will..."

"No stop it. I'm not... Just, shut up okay!" I said.

"Okay fine! But what do you want me to tell Mum?"

"The truth." I said. Rolling my eyes.

"Oh yeah... Sure. Hey Mum, Amy hasn't come home this Christmas because she would much rather suck her Potion Professors face off. And various other parts of him." She was met by mine and Ron's disgusted growls.

"Ahh! Stop 'Mione! No more! Please!" Ron almost screamed, causing several of our peers to look our way in confusion. She laughed heartily at our disgust.

"It's okay. I'll just say you took on a project for Potions over the break and had to stay behind or something." I glared at her before answering.

"Fine. Are you two going to Diagon Alley tomorrow then?" I asked, wanting to change the subject. Ron looked up from his plate and Hermione shook her head.

"No. I don't need to. I have everyone's gifts already." She replied.

"Fair enough. What will you do then?"

"Probably finish that Charms Experiment that Flitwick gave us last week."

"What? You mean, I have actually finished a project before you? Are you ill Hermione?" I said, laughing.

"When did you complete it?" She asked in surprise.

"I have done little bits of it over the past few nights. I keep waking up so I have been getting some work done. But I have finished it now."

"Why have you been waking up?" Ron asked, deciding to join in the conversation at last.

"I don't really know. But it's okay. I'm sure I just need a break. I'll be fine when we come back in January. And you didn't answer my question. Are you coming with me to Diagon alley?" I asked him, wanting to change the subject.

"Yeah. I have a few things to pick up." I nodded and finished my dinner.

"I'm going to bed Guys, I'm tired." They looked at me in confusion as I gave a small wave and walked off.

The truth was, I knew why I hadn't been sleeping. I am terrified. I can't hide away with Severus. There is too much at stake. For the past few days I had been contemplating whether or not I should tell him we need to go back to Teacher and Student. I couldn't put his job at risk. I stopped at the bottom of the Gryffindor stairs and sat down, trying to hold back tears. I couldn't let this continue. But I knew if I said that to Severus I wouldn't be able to stay away. I had to make him want to be apart from me. I had to make him hate me. But the only was I knew how to do that was to insult him. I stood up and made up my mind. Taking a deep breath, I continued up the stairs. The next time I see Severus alone I had to end whatever messed up thing it is we have. Before one of us gets hurt.

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