Legends part 3

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60 generations passed by and now and the tribes now have a....less than peaceful relationship with each other, often attacking each other for resources, but then again this is to be expected of with humans. So here we have a small Firetooth village who struggled to survive, it was so small it was nearly unknown to the other tribes, even their own. They had just been attacked recently and all their dinosaurs that were summoned to help them defend themselves were dead, except for a lone soon to be mother Rex. They had almost no hope of surviving the next few months without another dinosaur, but they had no way of getting another one. They had to use the power of 15 strange orbs known as SoulGems in order to summon another dino, but they had none. With no other options the old and wise chief of the tribe, once known as Thedo, had to to send his two grandchildren Mara and Dijrr to go off and search for anything that can equal the power of a SoulGem. And within their travels is where my story begins.

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