Legends part 2

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Millions of years ago our land has been protected by three god like deities known as the Titans. They were sent down by the heavens to defend the land from great evil at the time, and they fulfilled that job greately, but over time something changed in them. There was once a friendly fire like glow in the eyes of the Titan of Fire, but that glow eventually faded away, leaving nothing but a pitch black socket. Power had consumed their very souls. Soon each of the Titans gathered their tribe followers and a war erupted between the Firetooth, Thorntail, and Windtalon tribes. A war that would last a terrible 2 million years, the War of the Titans began. So many lives were lost in that time, each of the tribes fighting against each other to please their Titans, but it wasn't enough, soon the raging Titans took the battle into their own claws and attacked each other. They battled viciously, using their power to its greatest extent, each wanting to finish off the other two, it seemed as if the war wouldn't end. But soon we soon found out that we had to stop the war at all costs, because the horrible truth was if no one stopped it, then the entire universe would be destroyed because of the great power disruption caused by the Titans clashing. What could we do though, it seemed impossible for even the largest dinosaur to stop these colossal monsters from fighting. It seemed as if our fates were sealed, until a great being called down from the heavens "Please hear me and do as I say to save your world." it said "In order to stop the Titans from wiping out all that exist each of your tribes must make 3 thousand stones engraved with the image of your Titan, then when you have finished that task you must lead them off to a far off location and surround them with the stones, once you have done that the Titans will be sealed away by the very earth you stand on, and the destruction will cease, you must go on now, you haven't much time, do as I say and your world shall be saved." and with that all of us began working furiously to complete the tasks before it was too late. Within a week we finally had made enough stones and went off to lure the Titans away. Its said that once they had surrounded them with the stones it immediately turned each of them to stone, the Titan of Wind was imprisoned at the top of Storm Mountain where a gigantic storm rages on without end, the Titan of Fire was lead off to the volcanic ash lands where he sank down under the ground near a magma chamber, and the Titan of Plants was taken to the Thorntail Ridge where he became part of the towering earth wall. The war had finally come to an end, and the universe was returned to its normal state, peace had come at last. Thus concludes the legendary tale of the Titans, who most likely never existed, after all this is only a legend passed down from one generation to the next, and everyone knows nothing from legends are true.....or are they?...

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