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Her left cheek stung and touching it just made it worse. She searched her alley for a lid, a window, anything so she could see how bad her injury was. Adjacent to her alley was a small parking lot. It was old and run down, potholes everywhere, and guess what? A car. Cars were abandoned often. Only thing they were used for was: go to work or pick up ladies. So either someone had just lost their job, girlfriend, or someone got a way better car. Running into the alley with a rock, she checked the hood of the car for her reflection,

oh... that's nast- Whatever.

Going to the car's rear, she made sure this car had no license plate. She took the rock, breaking the window of the car, then unlocking it. Just as she was opening the car door a sudden pull on the back of her collar yanked her back.
"And I was just beginning to pity you." The turtle said.
"The cars abandoned!" (Y/N) retorted, wriggling herself from his grasp.
"Oh my god," (Y/N) shook her head, wishing he would just go away. She opened the door, crawling into the car. He was still standing there.
"Don't you have somewhere to be?" She hissed. "Go terrorize some kids or something."
Suprisingly, Raph was rather calm. Usually when he was insulted, his trigger would go off immediately. But when he saw her crawl into the back seat and just lay there, he felt kind of bad.
"Why'd you even come back?" (Y/N) muttered. Raph climbed into the front seat much to (Y/N)'s dislike. He angeled it back and faced her.
"My brother's wanted me to fix you up." He answered staring at the torn ceiling of the car. (Y/N) was about to bust out of the car when Raph yelled:
"Not like that- geez!"
(Y/N) calmed, feeling more pissed.
"So there's more of you?" She asked
"Well we're not as bad as him." A voice said from the window. Another turtle was here, this time in an orange mask.
"I'm gonna be sick." (Y/N) muttered.
"I bet girl," Mikey said, "Raph does a horrid fixing job."
"What the heck are you talking about?" (Y/N) said.
"Well..." suddenly there was another turtle, one in a blue mask,"If someone had followed orders." He frowned at Raph as he crawled into the passenger seat.
"Shut it Leo." Raph frowned.


Well at least she knew one of there names. Yet another surprise, a hand under her chin, turning her toward a turtle with a purple mask.

Where were these tutles keep coming from!?

"The shell Raph! You did a number on her." He said, pushing Raph's seat upward, getting in beside (Y/N).

Raph... the little-

"Gah!" A sudden sting surged through her cheeks. Evidentally the purple masked turtle had brought out a first aid kit.
"Stop, I don't need this crap!" (Y/N) yelled trying to push Donnie's hands away. She opened the door, crawling past Mikey and running out the car. She turned around and faced all four of the turtles.
"What do you even want from me?!" She screamed,
"Hey keep it down," Donnie said warily, eyeing the roof of the buildings that surrounded the parking lot.
"You seriously don't know why we're after you?" Leo asked
"Why you exist is more like it." (Y/N) muttered, shaking her head.
"You do know that stealing is illegal, right?" He asked.
Something caught in (Y/N)'s throat.
"We should really take you to the police."
(Y/N) shook her head. "I had no choice!" She tried justifying her actions, but there was no way that they would believe her.
"You know..." Mikey said, "If she just gives us the money, can't we let her off and not turn her in."
"As long as she never steals again?" Donnie adds.
"If guess that could be arranged." Leo shrugged.
"There's no money!" (Y/N) yelled.
"News don't lie." Mikey said waving a finger in a zigzag motion.
"Well technically, they exaggerate greatly-"
"We don't have time for your technicalities Donnie." Raph said, finally conversating.


(Y/N) swallowed taking a few steps back, staring directly at Raph and waiting for him to say something.
"Don't you dare try running." Raph warned.
"You literally apologized for tackling me last time." (Y/N) retorted. "How are you guys even going to take me to the police? I doubt you guys want the government to now your existence."
"Simple," Raph said cracking his knuckles, stepping forward. At first, (Y/N) thought he was going to knock her out. Her body would be found at the police station with a note on it that said: "The thief" from: "Anonymous" But instead he whispered, hot breath on her neck.
"You turn yourself in."
(Y/N) shook her head furiously. "I... I can't do that!" She tried running then to be hoisted up onto Raph shoulder, fireman style.
"I can't! Please, if the government finds me they'll..."
"Maybe she's a mutant!" Mikey exclaimed.
"If I go! I won't be able to-" (Y/N) felt herself hiccuping, almost about to cry. She had never imagined being caught. After a few stores, that was the last though in her mind. She had become cocky. Stupid cocky.
"You won't be able to what?" asked Raph,
"I can't say." (Y/N) sighed.
"Personal shit?" Raph asked in a mocking manner.
"It's none of your business."
"Well..." Leo sighed, "If we're not taking her to the police, should we take her with us?"
"No! You shouldn't!" (Y/N) yelled,
"I think we should."
"I guess."
"That's the only other option is can think of."
It was obvious none of them could care less what she had to say.
"Welp," Leo said, "Let's get her to Master Splinter."
"No, I am not meeting more of you!"
"Excuse me, but that's racist." Mikey said, hands on his hips.

"Splinter's no turtle." Raph said, as they started walking. (Y/N) was still hoisted onto his shoulder.
"What is he?" (Y/N) wished her curiosity didn't power over her dread.
"He's a rat." Raph stated simply.

Oh- oh no.

(Y/N) felt nasceuos; swinging back and forth on Raph shoulder, and now a rat. This night and turn of events had just become too much.
"Pull over." (Y/N) said.
"I ain't no damn car lady."
"Pull over!"
At first, they thought she was going to make another run for it, but she just threw up in an alley.
"You know..." Mikey said, "I don't think we've ever had this bad of a case."

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