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"Are You Okay?" I touched her shoulder hoping she would snap out of whatever she thought of.
"Y-yes, I'm fine, I just zoned out for a while." I acted like I did believe but I know that's not all, we sat under a palm tree, she took off her shirt and walked up to the water, I stood there watching my baby and feeling proud of myself, I mean, it wasn't ease to keep myself alive once I watched the news about David's house, even thought I keep myself and someone else alive after that was really rough, but now a days I can't imagine my life without Tali. She is almost a grown woman, I'm glad I still can see that little girl I met 12 years ago, She was playing with the waves, diving and jumping. I prefer to stay here enjoying the Sun.
"Tony?" I took a while to recognise where the voice came from, I took my sunglasses off and I still couldn't believe who was standing near me.
"Mcgee!" I gave him a formal hug.
"I didn't believe you when you said about living in Miami..."
I laughed "Yeah, Tali loves the sea so I though Miami would be a good idea! What brings you here Tim?"
"I'm taking a few days off ... You know, just to breath and work a bit on a new book." We both sat under the palm tree.
"That's nice."
"And how are you?"
"I'm fine Tim, working in a CSI office so I wouldn't abandon what I like doing, my father will come at December to visit us and we will celebrate Christmas all together."
"Wow, Anthony Dinozzo having a Christmas celebration?"
I nodded "There are many things the new Anthony added to his life list."
"And many things he erased from it too." He faced me hoping I'd apologise for I knew exactly what.
"I'm sorry but I could not live with memories of her, every single centimetre of that city reminds me how fool I was!"
"Tony, you were not a fool! There was nothing you could do about it."
"Yes McGee, there was! I should had stayed by her side all those years. I should have been there that night so I should have saved her, I should have made her feel safe so she wouldn't hide her pregnancy, our pregnancy! I should had-" I needed a time so I wouldn't cry even if the tears were already in my eyes.
"I've told you already Tony, there's nothing you could have done! As the Killer said, it was a coincidence..."
"Where have you been? Rule number 39"
"There is no such thing as coincidence" he completed me.
"That's right..." I said.
"Rule number 12, never date a coworker"
"I know, that one should be tattooed right on my forehead..." We both laughed.
"Or rule number 10, never get personally involved in a case." He said smiling.
"Timmy... I miss our old times."
"Then come back to Washington! I'm sure you would be welcomed in our team once more."
"I don't know, that city, her table near mine and all those memories kill me."
"They kill all of us,  but that is exactly what makes us stronger every single day!" That words really make sense but I still don't know what about go back to NCIS.

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