Batbrats at the Mountain!

Start from the beginning

Conner kept glancing away from the game as he heard some kind of rumbling down the hall that leads to the Zeta deck. Clearly no one else heard it so Conner just ignored it, until it stopped just in the doorway. Conner glanced down the hall once more, then jumped in surprise when he saw a little girl with black hair, a pair of sunglasses that made it impossible to see her eyes, and trailing a pink backpack behind her, standing in the doorway.

They stared at eachother for a few moments.

"Uhh...Hi?" Conner said to her, but caught Kaldur's attention instead. Kaldur put his book down and looked at Conner curiously as he saw his friend looking down the hall.

"Is everything alright, Conner?" Kaldur asked, causing Wally to pause his and Robin's game and the girls to stop talking.

Conner knelt down. "Can you hear me?" He asked, speaking slightly louder, the girl continued to stare blankly.

"Conner...who ya talkin' to?" Robin asked. The little girl blinked at the sound of Robin's voice and looked to where she heard it.

"Who. Are. You?" Conner asked trying to get her to talk.

She ignored Conner and walked around the couch until she was right in front of Robin.

"That's, what I was talking to," Conner said pointing at the girl accusingly.

The girl reached her arm out to Robin with a folded paper in her little hand. Robin took the paper without hesitation and read it:

Agent A is in England, The League needs me, and I do not trust Jaybird as a babysitter. So, they are your problem until further notice.

Robin looked up from the note, to Cass, and nervously asked, "...they?"

She nodded. Then, as if on cue, Stephanie came running through the the room screaming at the top of her lungs.

"Okay...?" Artemis questioned.

Then, Tim came in chasing after her, yelled, "TRADER!" Followed by a quick laugh.

Jason ran after them, wearing a pirate suit for some reason.

Robin facepalmed, then shot off the couch, and ran after them. Cass stood there with her same blank expression.

"Hi cutie," Wally said as if talking to a baby. "My names, Wally. What's your?" Cassandra ignored him, layed her backpack on the ground, and sat on it, waiting for her siblings to calm down.

Everyone sat in an uncomfortable silence, staring at the silent little girl sitting crosslegged on her backpack. Kaldur cleared his throat, "How do you know, Robin, miss?"

Cass lifted her head to Kaldur and shrugged.

"Jaybird!" Robin yelled from down the hall. "Get out of there!"

"You can't make me!" Jay mocked.

A minute later, Tim came sprinting through the room with Jay close behind, "I'M GONNA KILL YOU, TIM!"

"ROBIN, HELP!" Tim shouted in fear, running behind Conner and attempting to use him as a shield. Conner held Jay back by the forehead as the preteen swung his arms in attempt to hit whatever he could reach.

Robin ran into the room and slid to a stop nearly losing his balance. "One, two, three..." he mouthed, counting the younger kids. "Okay, uh...who am I missing!?" He asked frantically.

"I don't know! Let me kill this twerp first, then I'll help!" Jay shouted his face still in Conner's palm.

"I believe you're missing that blonde girl," M'gann chimed in.

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