And no we are not taking advantage of him! He seemed to like having us over! Honest!

Since today we had decided to meet at the park, I throw on a pair of jeans, and a t-shirt, I left the house locking the door behind me. Jumping on my bike, I immediately sped off in the direction of the park, anxious to hear Seath's explanation for his early runaway.

It only took me a total of twenty minutes to reach the park and spot the guys. As I got closer to them I immediately noticed a certain cocky teen-aged boy's absence.

So first, he leaves early without saying goodbye and than he doesn't show up for gaming night? How bad is this family issue anyway?

It shouldn't take over 6 hours, should it?

"The guys probably know what's going on." I murmured to myself.

Finally within talking distance, I jumped straight to the question I was desperate to ask at the moment," Hey guys! Do you know where Tyson is?"

They all flashed me questioning looks.

"He's not with you?" James asked the unspoken question.

"Nope," I replied popping the 'p' sound.

"Oh that's right," Sawyer exclaimed smacking his forehead, "he said he needed to go to the gym before meeting up with us."

Family problem, huh?

I knew it wouldn't take over 6 whole hours!

"Hey guys, I clarify something with him! Catch up with you all later!" I told them before heading towards my bike once again.

He has some major explaining to do!

Deciding that the traffic laws could give a little leeway to my situation at hand, I reached the gym in my record time of ten minutes. Soon after reaching, I hurriedly parked my bike and speed walked towards the doors of the gym. Bursting through the large doors, knowing him, he would be training in the arena right behind those doors. Calling out to him," Seath! Why are you here? You told me you had fam..." My to-be speech was broken off mid-way.

I was...

Expecting him to be training? Yes. 

Expecting him to packing his bags? Yes. 

Expecting him to be kissing another blonde girl? No.

But just as this morning, what I expected didn't happen...Not. At. All.

Instead, what I find is that he is kissing another girl, blonde may I add, more than just plain old full on the lips… Her arms draped on his shoulders, and their tongues are clearly dancing together in a rhythm that I haven’t shared with him.

I knew teenage boys did this.

I knew it!

My beliefs are confirmed, yet I find myself in a state of shock as I was never expecting it to happen to me! I was hoping that it would at least be not so soon for me to be the one to get hurt.

But we don't always get what we want or expect.

Stunned and utterly shocked, I just stood there and stared for a moment. But apparently a moment was I needed to catch Seath's eye as he turned around to see the cause of the ‘noise’.

No, I can't do this. I can't face him.

We've only been together for a week maximum, and he already found a replacement for me. Already took a chance with her. Already lied to me. Stabbed me behind my back when I was least expecting it.

Fingerprints, The Invisible Marks We Leave Behind (#thewriteaffair)Where stories live. Discover now