No Thank You And No Sorry For Khushi.

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Khushi's POV

"Hey DM today again I am late, today surely laad governor will kick me out of the office." Mumbling this I put my dupatta across my neck and go to living.
All are having breakfast, but I cannot I am already half an hour late.

Just then my sister payal comes to me and gives me my lunch box.

"Thank you jiji, I love you and sorry for troubling you"
Saying this I pray infront of DM and shout a bye to everyone and run out from there.

I search for a auto but none of the auto's stop.

Now the better idea I think of is to take a lift from main road.

I run near the main road, and I see a XUV coming there.

I stand in the middle of the road closing my eyes.

I hear the car stop just infront of me.

I open my eyes slowly.

The man shouts what the!!

I get more scared and again close my eyes before seeing the Person driving the car.

"No no how can LG be here, he might be in office, Please DM save me, and sorry for all the mistakes. Please save me once." I keep praying.

Arnav's POV.

I am driving my car to the full speed as I am already Late today due to my di, she always wants to keep some or the other  Pooja.
I am driving and suddenly a I see a girl standing infront of my car. I didn't understand who the girl was. I with much difficulty stop the car by putting breaks, so that  she doesn't get hurted.
And finally I am succeeded. I sighn a relief.
But my anger had no boundaries.
I get down of my car to scold the girl but seeing the girl infront of me my anger rose more.
"What d" I shout.
The girl who was opening her eyes shut it again and started Mumbling something.
I couldn't hear what she was telling, but the way she was looking took away all my anger. How can anyone be so beautiful, I thank. Her hairs were covering her face due to wind. I go near her. We both were just inches apart.
I move her hair aside.
She just shuts her eyes more tightly as if wishing it was a dream.
"Khushi" I say softly.
She smiles and opens her eyes but gets shocked seeing me.

I smile seeing her expression.

Just then some horns from back to take my car aside.

I mutter a curse to them and pull khushi with me.
She is still shocked so she doesn't stop me.

I stop the car near my office. And the whole way I was just glancing at her but she was just sitting like a statue. Probably this is the first time that she is so quite, I think. But I feel irritated, I have always seen her blabbering and this Silence is eating me up.

Finally not able to handle her Silence anymore I spoke. "Your 1 hour 23 mins late miss Gupta."

Just the she comes out of her shocked mode and looks at me.

She the closes her eyes takes a deep breath and then starts her express.
"I am sorry sir for being so late first of all and then that standing in middle road even for that I am sorry, then sitting in your car without permission sorry even for that. I am really really very sorry, please don't fire me please I am sorry."
She says all this in a go.
I just keep staring at her, how can anyone be so silly I think.

Then again I come back to my serious tone.
"Is there anything else left so say so that I can tell you something." I ask because I know once I start talking she will again start either with her story's or thank you's. I mean seriously how can any one this earth say so many sorry's and thank you's even if it's no needed.
I look at her and she starts with her express again.

"Yes sir I have to tell you thank you too, first for stopping the car before it would had killed me so thank you, and yeah even for giving lift  till and office thank you. And yeah even for not firing me thank you. And yeah Please don't me angry at me I am really sorry next time pakka I will reach at time are no no sorry before time only I will reach to office. Please forgive me, and yeah even thank........

"Enoughhh khushi Kumari Gupta enough." I shout not able to hear anymore of her sorry's and thank you's.

She look at me with moist eyes. I feel guilty to shout at her this way but it's really irritating to hear sorry and thank you again and again. And upon that I am already Late to office. I have a meeting in an hour.

She again mutters Sorry.

I just glare at her.
"If you say sorry once again na then believe me or not I am gonna fire you now and here."

She speaks "So you won't fire me if I don't say sorry"

I just nod a no looking at her innocent face.

"Thank you so very much sir, your the best thank you thank you thank you." She speaks exited but stops seeing my smrink at her.

"Unbelievable Mrs Gupta, Now if you don't wanna get fired stop saying your so damm sorry's and Thank you's" I speak a bit loudly.

"I am sorry sir but it's my habit. I just cannot change it in one day."

"Would be Mrs. Arnav Singh Raizada  can do what ever she wants." I tell her showing her place to her.

She smiles. "But Mr, Raizada we are on our work so here I am Ms. Gupta. And I seriously cannot stop saying sorry and thank you."

"You can, From now if you say sorry or thank you to anyone for the whole day at that instance I am gonna come and kiss infront of the whole office." I say smrinking at her.

"Sorry I didn't hear you" She ask shocked.

"Now I will give you explanation come" Saying this I capture her lip not letting her speak anymore.

She was shocked yet, even after I broke the kiss.

"Now onwards no sorry and thank you for you khushi. If you say you know the punishment.". I say smiling and go out of the car.

She too smiles and comes out.

The whole day sorry or thank you used to almost come out from her mouth but she used to stop it Midway seeing me watch her.

It was totally a fun filled day. I kissed her almost Five times. Not infront of everyone but behind there back.

But still her sorry’s and thank’s never took a back seat. They use to always be on her that little sweet tonugue. But with a company to it was her blush. Which reminded her of her sweet punishment by her husband…!!!


Hey guys!!! So here I am back with OS writting. Hope you all like it!!

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