Legends part 1

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In another time and another place, there once was a great and noble king that ruled over over a proud race of creatures. This king was a very powerful warrior and fought valliantly for all that was good, and that hadn't gone unoticed. One day the king was spoken to by the great god Gaia, he was asked if he would be willing to protect a new land along with its new inhabitants with two other kings. The king was astonished and felt honored, but if he accepted the task it would mean he would have to leave behind his wife and his unhatched son. How could he make a decision, if he left he would leave behind everything he knew and loved, but if he stayed he would turn down the greatest honor in the universe. He pondered at this for many days until he finally made his choice. "Gaia the great and powerful, I accept your offer under one condition." he said "In order for me to go willingly, please let me be able to speak to my wife while I'm there, please that is all I ask of you." . The god was willing to comply and with that he gathered the three kings to a portal between dimensions, Gaia then said "Take these ancient stones that have been passed down through the ages, they shall give you the power you need to protect this world, but be warned, the power from these stones can corrupt you if you are not strong enough to fight against it, I shall trust you all to stay strong and never give up on protecting this new world, it's inhabitants fate rest in your claws, wings and tail" and with that the stones that were given to them were then absorbed into their bodies. The stone's power surged through the king's veins as a startling transformation occured, he soon had grown three times taller than what he once was, his skin was turned into hardened magma and his feathers were all ignited into an ever burning fire. The kings were gone, and what now stood in their place were the Titans. "Pyran." Gaia had called "I have linked the times of this world to the new world you are about to travel into, it is now possible to communicate with your wife with your newly acquired telepathic powers, I have done my part, now it is time for you to do yours." "Yes my Lord." he replied, and with one final goodbye to his wife and people,he crossed through the portal. He was nearly through the portal when things took a turn for the worst, his egg had some how managed to get into the portal, his wife unable to reach it. He reached out and tried to grab it but it was too late, he had made it to the new world and the portal closed leaving his unhatched son behind. With no way out, his son would remain there in the rift between time and space for the rest of eternity, never to be seen again. Distraught and agitated he stood at where the portal was, wanting it to open again so he can retrieve his son, but deep down he knew that there was no way he would ever see the egg again. "I swear to everything on this world that I will protect them all more fiercely than I have ever protected anything before!!" he suddenly shouted "That is a promise I'll never break...I promise this to all of you!! I promise this...to my son." and with that, the Titan began his duty along with the others as the sole defenders of this world, keeping it from any danger there was....but little did they know....the world would eventually have to defend itself...from all three of them....

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