Highway to Hell

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   "Where are we?" Taliah asked as she groggily stared up at Lexi and I from her position on the floor.
  "Pretty sure that's a question were all asking ourselves right now, hon." I said, checking our new surroundings for clues as to our location.
Two-ish weeks later

A voice came out of no where, scaring the woman so bad she almost shat her almost non existent pants. A door opened in front of her. She was assaulted with the smell of butterscotch, a fresh rainstorm in the city, and sugar cookies mixing together and making an oddly satisfying smell. The woman walked through the doors barely able to stand on her own two feet.
  As she entered the hall she noticed three chairs in the centre of the room. One was dark blue with white wood arm rests. In the middle was the biggest chair. This chair was dark red with black arm rest, but if one looked close enough they could see flecks of gold and silver within the wood. On the right of the red chair was a pink chair, rather odd after seeing the other two chairs. The lady concluded this all within the few seconds it took her to walk from the door to the mat stationed in front of the thrones.
  "What's your name?" This came from the..... She wasn't quite sure what to categorise it as. It sat in the blue chair. "Hello? Ma'am, what is your name?"
  "Um... Evangeline Davis." She kneeled on the carpet.
  "Please stand. Why did we put that there? It throws me off when they kneel." The thing in the blue chair stands and comes toward the girl, a slight limp in its step. "My name is Alfie, pleased to meet you." A smile crawls across his face as he offers his hand. The lady takes his hand graciously.
  "Where am I?"
  "Well... You my dear, are in Hell."
  Shock filled her face. Not what she wanted at all.

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