Part 5

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Jackie: *sitting in the middle of the bed*

Mark: *laying on the ground*

Jackie: I'm bored

Mark: maybe try and sleep it's like 1 in the morning

Jackie: but I'm not tired *looks down at him*

Mark: your never tired *sits up*

Jackie: normal me I guess.. Jack too

Mark: yeah I'm surprised he haven't pop in yet

Jackie: *nods softly* same here

Mark: well what makes you sleep?

Jackie: nothing

Mark: nothing?

Jackie: until my eyes get heavy and I fall asleep like that

Mark: at 5 in the morning?

Jackie: half of the time yes is that a problem?

Mark: uhh yeah..! That's not good

Jackie: *shrugs and hugs my arms* why would that affect you?

Mark: cause I care that's why

Jackie: *sighs*

Mark: *gets up and flops onto bed*

Jackie: can we watch tv maybe? Maybe it might help me sleep?

Mark: I would think that would keep you up but we could try

Jackie: there's a walking dead marath-

Mark: hell no the last thing I need to see before I get my beauty sleep is someone's face being eaten off

Jackie: *giggles softly*

Mark: *grins*

Jackie: *yawns*

Mark: aha! You yawned!

Jackie: woah it's bad to yawn my bad

Mark: no it means your tired lets sleep

Jackie: I yawn on daily bases

Mark: *raises eyebrows*

Jackie: I'm not tired *rubs my eyes*

Mark: you sure do look tired and I vote that we should sleep

Jackie: *sighs* I'm scared to go back to sleep what if I get another nightmare?

Mark: I'll be here..

Jackie: *looks down*

Mark: fuck your brother *gets up and closes door locking it*

Jackie: ok that's just the bad boy shitty high school movie role your acting now

Mark: *lays down on bed*

Jackie: *lays down*

Mark: it's freezing in here your ok with this?

Jackie: I like the coldness *snuggles pillow*

Mark: *grabs remote and changes channels*

Jackie: *watches*

Mark: *trying to find something to watch*

Jackie; *grabs remote and puts on game of thrones*

Mark: ah good choice

Jackie: I was not gonna watch the bee movie

Mark: how do you even know it's on?

Jackie: I hear it in Molly's room

Mark: good hearing *pulls her closer and cuddles*

Jackie: I knew it that Jon snow is-

Mark: hey hey shhh *looks at her* I didn't see it yet

Jackie: that he Issss

Mark: no shhh *puts hand over her face* don't be a dick

Jackie: *laughs softly*

Mark: *holds her close*

Jackie: *watches the tv and starts to fall asleep slowly*

Mark: *plays with her hair*

Jackie: *sleeps*

Mark: *tries to stay awake to see the spoiler but falls asleep*