Louis' POV

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Louis' POV:

It has been three years since Harry and I confirmed our love to each other and it has been the best three years of my life. We have had a lot of drama circling around us but it hasn't stopped us yet and I don't think it will. We have been through so much, even though we haven't come out to the public yet.

We both think that we should come out because, lets face it, most of our fans 'ship' 'Larry'. Yes, there are also ones that want Eleanor and I to actually be together, and some that don't give a shit either way. Its funny how out of all the things we do together as a band, the fans can pick out each little detail of Harry and I. As for the 'Elounor' supporters, I don't even know how they think Eleanor and I are together. I've see the pictures that management takes of us and how unhappy my face is when I'm with her. And then there are the pictures of Harry and I. Let me just tell you right now, the look on my face when I look at him is 100% happier than the ones with Eleanor.

She is a nice girl and she really doesn't deserve the hate she gets from everyone, but she is no Harry. I could never love her and she deserves someone that will. It wasn't even my idea, or anyone else in the band for that matter, to get Eleanor to act as my girlfriend. It was all management and I hate is so fucking much. Why wouldn't they want our fans to know who we are? Aren't they supposed to know things about us?

I snuggled into Harry even more. His warmth captivating me and making me want to stay here forever, but sadly we have to wake up soon so we can go down to the studio. We all hated going to the studio this early in the morning, especially Zayn. As we all know, Zayn likes to sleep. Him and early mornings don't go well together.

Sighing, I pulled myself out of bed without waking Harry up yet and walked to my closest to grab clothes for the day. I grabbed a pair of black skinny jeans and a white t-shirt with the Vans logo on it. I grabbed my underwear and made my way to the bathroom to shower.

After I was finished and dressed i made my way back to the bedroom and see Harry pulling clothes out deciding on what to wear. He has is black jeans with holes in the knees in his hand while looking for a clean shirt.

"Here Hazza, its clean." I hand him one of the shirts i pulled out earlier. It was just a plain black one. He grabs it out of my hand and gives me a smirk. I smirk back and he walks toward me. I take a step back as he takes a step forward.

Finally, my back hits the wall behind me and Harry pushes his body against mine.

"Good morning Louis. Why did you get up so early? I missed you." He pouts. I grab both of his hands and set them on my waist. He grips my waist tightly and continues to pull our bodies closer together. If thay is even humanly possible.

"I had to get ready, Hazza. We have to go to the studio today, remembered?" I asked because, honestly, I don't think he did remembered. You know, it's usually him that remembers things but seems like we've switched rolls today. Harry let out a small groan and put his lips on my neck. God, I love when he does that!

"Harry, c'mon, you need to get ready. We have to go soon." I whined as I tried to pull him off me. He was making this so difficult for me. He pulled his head back some and smirked at me again.

"C'mon, Louis, you know you want to kiss me. You know you want to Lou." Harry whispers. I groan and finally give in. I slam my lips into his and he responds immediately.

I run my fingers through his hair and tilt my head so we can be closer. He puts his fingers under my shirt and runs them over my stomach, which made me self conscious. I hate my body but with Harry it makes me feel special and didn't look like shit.

Jesus, I sound like a girl.

After a couple of moments, we pull apart panting. I close my eyes and lean my head back against the wall. Harry leaned his head down and set it on my shoulder.

"That was amazing, Lou."

I opened my eyes and they landed on the clock sitting on the bedside table. We are running late!

I pushed myself off the walls and grabbed Harry's wrist pulling him out of the room and to the front door. I opened it and ran out to the car while pulling my keys from my pocket.

I unlocked it and Harry hurried into the passenger side while I climbed into my seat. I started the car and pulled out of lot quickly and sped off down the road.

"Slow down Lou! It will be ok if we are a tad bit late." Harry says, gripping the door handle tightly.

"Hazza, remember what they said last time we were late? There will be consequences and honestly i don't want to deal with management." I tell him. I see him smirk at me from the corner of my eye. I roll my eyes at him because he knows that he was the reason we were late last time.

"Why could they do to us Lou? Kick us out of the band? We are on top of the world! They would never do that."

I grinned as I pulled up to the studio. He was right, of course, they wouldn't kick us out of the band. Well, Harry; no, me; yes. They have thought of it before. Because my voice wasn't as good as the other lads, they wanted to kick me out. Thankfully all of the boys quickly said no to that and so did Simon.

I parked the car and Harry and I hopped out quickly and ran inside.

Niall, Liam, and Zayn were sitting in the studio with notebooks in front of them. Great, they had already started writing.

"Hey lads. Sorry we are late. Got caught up with stuff." Harry tells them.

"I'm sure you did." Niall mutters under his breath. He wasn't quiet enough because we all heard him. I smacked him in the back of the head. Ass wipe.

"Ow, what did you do that for?" He whined and frowned at me. The other lads laughed at us while Niall was still pouting.

Harry pats his head and takes a seat on an empty couch. I sit beside him and put my hand on his thigh.

"So, why are you late again?" Liam asked. I glanced at Harry and saw him smirk.

"We were having some issues that needed to be taken care of before we left." Harry winks at me. I rolled my eyes and shoved his shoulder.

"Harry wouldn't hurry up and he attacked me when he was ready so we are late because of him." I explained. They nodded and continued talking about whatever they were talking about earlier.

We spent all day in the studio writing and recording some of the songs. By the time we got home, it was late at night so we got ready for bed.

"Goodnight, Louis. I love you." Harry whispers in my ear. I smile at him.

"I love you Hazza. Goodnight." I tell him.

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