Chapter 8 (Re-written)

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"Ed!!" I yelled from upstairs and I didn't get an answered.

I called again and still no answer. I walked downstairs and the living room was empty as well as the living room.

"Boo!" Someone said from behind me and I jumped like 10 feet in the air.

"What the fuck?" I asked holding my heart, I turned and Ed was on the ground laughing

"That was not funny" I added frowning "I almost peed myself."

That made him laugh even more, I let him laugh it out and once he was down I kicked him in the shin. I was going to hit somewhere else but I want him to give me nieces and nephews one day.

"I forgot you played futball" he whined still holding his shin in pain.

"Well duh."

"Yeah whatever, anyways let's go" he said and started pulling me outside.

"Where are we going?" I asked "I need my phone"

"Forget the phone for a few hours, we are going to spend some brother sister time!" He exclaimed and I looked at him like he was on crack.

"Are you serious?"

He nodded and finally let me go because we reached one of his many cars. It was the black mustang I'd rather take the Lamborghini.

"Hey Eddie boy" I said before we got in the car "can we take the lambo?"

"Hell no" he said jumping in the car.

I groaned loudly but got in the car, I sat with my arms crossed over my chest and pouted.

"Are you really going to act like a baby the whole time we're out?"

"Nope" I said with a smile

It's called acting.

He shook his head and I turned on the radio you wouldn't guess what song was on.

"White lips, pale face breathing in the snow flakes burnt lungs sour taste" I sung at the top of my lungs

"That's enough" Ed chuckled turning the radio down "leave the singing to me"

I rolled my eyes and just sung in my head I didn't want him to send me back home because I was being annoying.

Ed would totally do that, wouldn't he?

Yes he would.

"Oh yeah" I said finally remembering something "where are we going?"

"First Starbucks" he said

"Of course" I interrupted him.

"After that um, we're going back to my house because they boys are coming over to watch a game then we are all going to a party!"

A party!? I love parties, especially wild ones.

"Who's party is it?" I questioned

"Oh just..... Niall's" he said

If it's Niall's party then that means Harry is going to be there. I guess it's finally time to talk to him about the other day I  would've texted him but I don't have his number.

"Okay, I'm in" I smiled and so did he.

  He drove for like 10 more minutes before he stopped.

"Get me a grande 3 pump Carmel with whole milk, extra Carmel drizzle with extra whip Carmel macchiato" I said in one breathe.

"I'm going to act like I can memorize that" he chuckled "how about this, I'll get you anything that doesn't have pumpkin, peppermint or peanut butter in it"

Ed Sheeran's sister (Harry Styles)Where stories live. Discover now