" Thanks my love " i say and blush a little bit , it was really important for me that she likes it

" Wow is this a telescope?!" She walks over to it exited and tries to look into it

"Yeah , you told me you've never seen  stars through one ,so i brought it here , i just received it  a few days ago " i say rubbing the back of neck and looking down at the grass

I'm nervous.

I'm nervous as hell .

I don't know what her reaction is going to be

" Oh i'm so exited !" She says and sits down on the blanket

I sit next to her and open the bottle of wine and pour her a glass

I pour myself one as she takes a sip of her wine

" Mmm this is good wine.." She says and takes another sip .

A few hours pass by, we eat ,talk , drink wine

A few hours pass by, we eat ,talk , drink wine

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I look at my watch and It's almost midnight. My Gosh, we have been here for a long time ... I guess time flies when i'm with such great great company

Ok.. I've decided... i'm gonna do it now.

I'm freaking out inside .

"Hey... I wanted to ask you something-"i say nervously

"OOH! Now we can look at the stars " she interrupts me and gets up with her glass in her hand and tries to figure out the telescope

Should i ask her now or look at the stars first ?

I decide against it and get up , take her glass out of her hand and put it on the ground and show her how to manage the telescope

" Look now "i say softly and she looks into it

"Wooow..." She says breathless

Okay..now's the time

I get on one knee take the the black velvet box out of my pocket and open it

"Violetta..." I say and she turns around

Violetta 's POV

Leon calls my name as I'm looking at the stars so i turn around to see what he wants ..what could more important than this beautiful sight

I turn around and breathe sharply almost gasp when i see him standing on one knee with a ring in his hand

I put my hands over my mouth shocked

He's smiling at me hopefully

"Oh my God..." I say softly

"Will you marry me ?"


I shout and  fall to my knees and wrap my arms around his neck

Leon's POV

"YES!!" Violetta shouts and relief takes over my body as i hug her back

We finish our hug and grab her hand to put the ring on her finger

Violetta has her hand over her mouth and has tears in her eyes

I slip the ring on and kiss her

She grabs the back of my neck with both hands and kisses me back passionately

" I love you " i say looking into her eyes smiling ear to ear

I'm so happy she said yes.

I'm so happy she said yes

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