“Did you like your breakfast?” He asked abruptly. His face was back to his normal self, he looked like he had no care in the world. Taken aback a little, she paused before answering.

“Yes, thank you.”

“You are welcome. Come, bathe and dress, there are clothes on the chair, I will show you around the house, you will need to get used to it.”

                He left the room, quickly swiping from her knees the breakfast tray and leaving her to her own thoughts and wondering. He said nothing else to her, it was a sudden gesture that she had no idea how to interpret. Still the house was terrifying to her so she dragged herself out of her bed and made for the bath where once again it was filled and warm. She peeled off his shirt and sank gratefully into the warmth. Maybe if she knew her way around such a large place she would feel a little more comfortable living in it.

He had to get rid of the boards. If only until her change. He couldn’t expect her to suddenly embrace a life shut off from the world. He expected the boards would not help in her ‘getting used’ to him and his life. But when she was turned she would not be able to go outside, the smallest ray on her newborn skin would bring sparks of fire to her and it would hurt her. He couldn’t allow that and he was afraid of taking the boards down in case he forgot to put one back up, or did not do so in time for her wandering and she walked in accidently into a room unboarded and was confronted with the sun. He wanted to take the boards away, but he wondered what was both safer and best for her mind frame.

                Back in his attic he looked at the world around him. The blanket of snow had been marred by Joseph’s footprints. So easily done. In such a small space of time. He turned away from that glimpse of the outside. He liked to see the day unmarred, beautiful in it’s perfection. Now he would wait until the snow went before he gazed out again. He heard his own sigh as he walked the length of the room and closed the door behind him. A little click announced its close.

                Why did not she feel for him, what he felt for her? She may not be vampire, but she was a Bride. She was connected to him. Maybe it was simply the shock and terror or who he was but it still hurt to see her flinch from his side and pale at his presence. He hoped in time it would change.

                He heard when the water in the bath sloshed and she got out of it. He waited a long time, letting her change. He had found some short pants and another shirt that may just fit her. Anything better than a single shirt. He couldn’t long for her like he done. He needed to be able to be by her side and not want to get too close to her. He knew she wouldn’t appreciate that. When the sound of brushing entered his ears he knew her to be doing her hair. Knocking thrice on the bedroom door he waited a minute then walked in. Wrong again. The short pants may have been far too big for her but they showed off her legs from knees down. Slender calves were the first thing he saw as walked into the room. The shirt was so big it was rumpled and burying her making her look, maybe not sexy, but adorable.

“Are you ready?”

“Yes.” She replied and she followed him through the door with one last glance at the hour glass on her table. The sand was falling fast.

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