Lessons for the Lovers

Start from the beginning

"You are most certainly welcome. You guys enjoy your day, I'll call you later sweet pea." she smiled to us before walking out of the dressing room.

I had changed into some JoyRich sweats and a white tank. I looked up and Jacob was sitting there with the twins both in their strollers.

"Hey." I said lowly walking over. He kissed my cheek and I smiled looking to the twins.

"Good job. It was nice seeing you work." he smiled faintly and I gathered my belongings before we left.

Things were still a little hectic but I was thankful for Jacob. He put up with all of that. Most people would've been done. But I knew he wouldn't leave for a second. We held hands walking down to the lobby of the studio. Our driver John was waiting for us outside, which was good because I was beyond tired.

"I'm sorry." Jacob blurted looking to me. I turned to him from the corner of my eye and nodded.

"I am too." we fiddled with each other's fingers, he traced the diamond of my wedding ring with his finger.

"I acted like this didn't matter. I know you've been stressed too ma." I nodded again, pondering what he said.

We arrived at the hotel and rushed to the room. Paps were all over, and we honestly were used to this.

"You go ahead and get situated, I'll handle them." Jacob's lips met mine and I brought him into a hug.

"Thank you baby ." I think he understood I just needed a little break.

Time for a relaxing bath.


I was so happy. Michael and I had just went to Kaleb's preschool play. He was a little sea-turtle and I almost cried watching my baby up there. The songs all the kids sang were beautiful. He really made me a proud mommy.

"Look at him Mike." I smiled in the front row, Mike was recording it all on his phone.

"Go Kaleb!" he cheered from behind the screen. I blew a kiss and we made eye contact briefly. I didn't want to throw him off.

After it was over, we retrieved him from his classroom and I gave him a big hug. He smiled and brought all of us into a hug.

"Mommy did you see me?" he asked. I nodded kissing all over his cheeks.

"I sure did baby. So proud of my little sea turtle." he smiled and pecked my lips. I had told Jacob about it, and he planned on coming. At the last minute he had to go to L.A with Morgan.

"Who wants to go out for dinner?" Michael asked. A smile formed on Kaleb's face and we headed to Friendly's.

"Can I get ice cream and chicken tenders and-"

"Slow down bud. You can have chicken tenders and fries, and then have your ice cream come last." he pouted and nodded his head.

"Okay mommy." he said returning to his coloring pages.

"He'll be okay." Mike rubbed my arm and brought me into a side hug.

"I'm so proud of us. You know that?" I asked softly looking to him.

"I am too, wouldn't trade you two for anything." he smiled looking to Kaleb across the table. We took pictures of him and enjoyed our night. My little family.

Three Days Later

"Kaleb c'mon baby! Your dad should be here in a few minutes." moments later in came my crazy little toddler. He had his bag with him and a teddy in hand.

"Be good for me okay?" he nodded and I helped him to get his coat on.

"Breaking News...this just in that there was a fire at a downtown construction site. Three workers have been hospitalized and their conditions are not known at this time. Firefighters are also still on scene as we are also trying to understand exactly what caused this fire to occur."

I put my hand to my heart instantly thinking the worst.

"What's wrong mommy?" the doorbell rang and I knew Jacob was here.

"Go to the door." I pulled out my phone and soon Jacob's voice filled the room. He looked to me and then to the tv.

I called Mike's phone twice. Voicemail.

"Everything okay? What happened?" he asked alarmed picking Kaleb up.

"I-I think, I know Michael was in that fire." I said starting to shake. I looked around the living room for my purse, my jacket.

I had to find out if he was okay.

Little did anyone know, their lives were all about to change. Slowly but surely.


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