FINAL IMAGINE! :( Imagine #10

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Imagine you and your newly wed husband, Niall horan, are going to the pumpkin patch that you have gone to since you were little, and wanted to keep the tradition going by taking Niall there. You took the hayride out to the pumpkin patch, and when you got there, there were TONS of families there. You wanted to have kids with Niall, but he was so busy with the aftermath of the Where We Are tour, and a new album coming out. You held Niall's hand as you walk towards the busy pumpkin patch. Niall is like a little kid in a candy store here. He runs you over to the biggest pumpkin there! Well, to him it looks like it. You just think it looks like just another pumpkin. He runs over, and picks up the huge pumpkin. Then, he tells you he is going to buy it. Now, it was your turn. And you finally found the perfect pumpkin.

"Ni! Come here! I found it!"

You shout so he can hear you. 

When he doesn't answer, you start to get worried. You turn in a big cricle, and there, you see it. The one thing (Youv'e got that ONE THING) you have been waiting for since you and Niall got married. You see Niall helping a little girl and a little boy find their pumpkins, while their parents wandered off somewhere. Even though it is bad that the parents wandered off, it's still so sweet to see your husband Niall, playing with the little kids. You watch them for a bit more, then the little kids parents come back and thank Niall for helping them find their perfect pumpkins, then leave happily. After Niall waved goodbye, he came over to you, and hugged you and kissed you passionatily. 

"Niall, not here! What is up with you today? You've been all over me! And you were playing with those kids while I was finding my pumpkin by myself an-".

He cuts you off again by kissing you, and hugs you tighter. 

"Babe, don't worry about anything. Ok? I was just over there because the couple asked me to watch them because they were getting their purse and wallet. Ok? Please honey, I am over you all the time! Just, today is special. It is special because it has been four months since we have got married."

He says.

You actually forgot that today was your four month anniversary. You were about to say something, but Niall kept talking.

"Princess, since they asked me to watch their kids, I didn't look forward to it at first, but then, I reliezed I loved it! And, I want to have many kids with you Y/N. I know you have wanted them for awhile, and I have been a complete jerk about it, but now I am actually ready. Ready to start a family with the woman I love, you. Would you want to have kids with me?"

You hug him tight, then kiss him and say,

"Of course babe! I am so happy right now! I am gonna be a mommy and you are going to be a daddy, and we're gonna be parents! Eep! Niall, I love you so much, it's unbelievable. I am so glad I married you, and just being with you every day makes me fall deeper in love with you. I love you, Niall James Horan. And the day we got married, four months ago today, was the best day of my life up until now. Becoming a Horan was the best decision I have EVER  made. Well come on! Let's go have kids!"You ramble, then grab his hand and run to grab your pumpkins (and pay) and then run home and get on the long road to have kids. Nine months later, you are sitting in a hospital, with twins. Beatrice and Josh. :)

~ Ok! So that is the end of a very LONG journey of Niall Imagines! Sorry about the late upadate. Gonna update a lot tomorrow on "The Experiment" and gonna start a new book (Not a fanfic:() and work on writing LOUIS imagines next! OMG. SO MY MOM GOT ME AND MY BFF ONE DIRECTION CONCERT TICKETS FOR LIAM'S 21 B DAY!!! My first 1D concert! Lots of loves lovelys!!

~Hannah the banana is now finished with Niall Imagines:(

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