"Keep you forever. Let's go check out. Mr B will skin us alive if we're late."

"I know shortcuts to get there if we need to rush."

We check out and I hide in the back of my truck using the cap for cover and change into my new outfit. Gabe grins when I climb out.

"Breathtaking. You look fucking gorgeous," he exclaims. His eyes are roaming up and down, but it doesn't feel creepy, more like someone surveying their work.

"Ummm, thanks," I blush.

"Let's go. We've got a drive ahead of us," he directs, shooing me into the driver's seat.

He climbs in and starts the music. I start the truck and we're off. It takes just over an hour to get to the restaurant. When we get there Gabe fixes my hair and then we walk inside. Gabriel tells the hostess our reservation and she escorts us to a table where the others are. For a moment they all just stare at me. I blush while checking out their outfits. They are all wearing nice slacks varying in color from tan to gray to black. They each are wearing a nice dress shirt in what I'm guessing is their favourite colors. They get over their shock and all stand. I love their manners. They wait until I am seated, and Gabriel pushes my chair in, before they take their seats.

"You look lovely," Sean comments from my right. I smile and turn to him.

"Thank you. Gabriel picked it out," I smile giving the credit where it is deserved.

"Hope you like steak Brown Eyes," Nathan comments to me from across the table.

"I love steak. This place has amazing food!"

"You've been here before," Mr. Blackbourne questions me from my left.

"Yes. My grandparents brought me here when I was younger. They used to live a block from here. My cousin lives there now," I reply.

"You are full of surprises."

The waiter appears to take our drink orders. I order a water. It's a habit from camp. I haven't had much pop lately because at camp you have to drink a ton of water to stay hydrated.

"Nathan did you call me Brown Eyes a minute ago," I ask. It's been playing through my mind since he said it.

"Yeah, I thought it was a cute nickname for you since you have those really pretty mesmerizing brown eyes," he answers blushing. I'm blushing by now as well.

"Well thank you. I'll have to come up with a nickname for you as well," I reply.

It's pretty quiet around the table as we all look at our menus deciding on what we would like to eat. A few of the guys would comment and ask each others opinions. I quietly decide and then close my menu placing it on the table in front of me.

"Have you decided Sugar Plum," Sean asks me.

"I think so, but if I keep looking at the menu I'll change my mind again."

"Oy, what are you having? I can't decide," Gabriel asks.

"The 10oz sirloin steak with grilled mushrooms and onions, and a side of mashed potatoes and gravy," I answer him.

"Shit, that sounds good too. I can't make up my mind," Nathan pipes in.

"I know. Everything looks good," Silas adds his opinion.

"Well we each could get different things and try bites of each others," I suggest.

When the waiter returns we do just that. We all order a different entrée with a different side. Most of them are different steaks seeing as that is the specialty of the restaurant. I keep getting a creepy feeling from the waiter though. I am still polite to him, but I find myself waiting to relax until he leaves.

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