Chapter 13 | Boogie's Unexpected Pregnancy

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sean's pov (yup theres gonna be many)
— 1 month later —
everyone is doing good and im happy that baiken is real but boogie has been vommiting every morning and gets disgusted by some of the foods she used to love and starts eating the foods she used to hate. wtf.

— 9am —
boogie: *vomitting*
sean: baby are you ok?
boogie: yea im fine
sean: *ties her hair up* i think we need to go to the hospital
boogie: no im fine *vomits again*
sean: yup mhm says the one that keeps vomitting.
boogie: *pushes him away*
sean: come on oreo! c'me here. good girl*leashes her* lets go baby. *carries her with one arm and walks with oreo*
boogie: you're strong
sean: yea i know that thanks. 😂

— at the hospital —
doc: congratulations you're having a baby
boogie: OH MY GOSH!! *squeals* YAY!!!! oh wait, whos the father?
doc: we cant be sure about that now. sorry.
boogie: alright then.
sean: cmon cheer up. it may be ours? but for some other reason if it ain't ours i'll still treat it like my own.
doc: you're so sweet mr. lew. have a nice day ahead!
sean: thanks

— in the car —

boogie: *squeals* OMG OMG OMG I CANT BELIEVE IT. but now how am i supposed to go to school?
sean: erm.... lets just use your pregnancy as a reason. and lets just say im the father
boogie: alright.. i guess
sean: ily baby girl *kisses boogie*
boogie: *kisses back*


— in school —

boogie: hey guys
bailey: wassup?
boogie: im pregnant
tati: omg ok im freaking out *fans herself with her hand* ok. wow
gabe: you're cute *laughs*
ken: congrats boogs!
bailey: yea! im excited. i dont really care if you're coming to school or not bcoz im just excited to be its god-aunt
tati: i'll be its godma 😂
boogie: thanks guys💖
sean: everything went well. group hug?
tati: yea
— everyone hugs —
boogie: you guys are the bestest friends i could ever have *smiles*
everyone: you too 💕

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