Chapter 11 | Getting Oreo

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defensive / angry : green
calm : yellow
being loved : purple
depressed / sad : electric blue
happy : orange
excited : gold
nervous : maroon
bored : silver
scared / worried : brown
ready to fight : red
annoyed : black
curious : metalic pink
chilled : baby blue
dirty 😂 : violet red
serious : grey
jealous : white

sean's pov
after boogie's parents passed away, we decided to bring kiana and justyn to my parents so they can take care of them and we will focus on our studies. or nah.
after they went, the house became extremely silent. it was so quiet. so i decided to surprise my baby girl with a doggy!
sean: baby girl im gonna go out for a while
boogie: aw to where?
sean: shop for something.
boogie: yea right🙄
sean: 💖*grabs onto her waists* im serious! i wont meet up with another girl. *pecks her lips*
boogie: nope i dont believe you. anyways we're not even dating so yea. go ahead*walks away*
sean: alright stop tempting me
boogie: im not trying to
sean: baby girl im only yours
boogie: fine... i trust you
sean: ily baby girl! see you later

i hopped into the car and drove towards the pet shop. after 25 minutes i reached the pet shop. i started walking around until a little doggy caught my eye. i started playing with it from the glass that was in between us. she was so cute. 💕 so i knew i had to get her

— 30 minutes later —
boogie: baby boy what'd you get?
sean: well, *hands the cage that was in a box* open it up!
boogie: im scared
boogie: OH MY GOD. *opens up the box and sees the dog.* AHHH ITS SO. DAMN. CUTE. *picks her up* hellu!! omg you're so precious*puts her close to her chest*
sean: so... what do you wanna name her.
boogie: oreo. its cute.
sean: oreo it is. hey oreo!!!
seaboo: 😂
boogie: thank you so much baby boy*kisses sean*
sean: anything for you baby girl 💓💓
boogie: ILY 😘 *hugs him*
sean: ily too 😁
boogie: *looks at the clock* ITS 10pm!
sean: we should probably go sleep.
boogie: wait i'll take a picture of you and oreo

 boogie: wait i'll take a picture of you and oreo

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boogie: awww so cute
sean: me or her.
boogie: both
sean: whos the cuter one.
boogie: oreo
sean: baby girl! *whines* i get jealous easily ok!
boogie: ahahah okok. what do i owe you.
sean: over 50 million kisses and/or makeouts.
boogie: are you being serious?
sean: do i look like im kidding*eyes turn grey*
sean: exactly. so.... *gets down on one knee*
boogie: *covers mouth*


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