44: Precious To Him

Start from the beginning

Miyuki: but... I'm broken...

Yomi: you can do it. Hiyori, yato, yukine will be going with you.

Miyuki: eh? Me?

Yukine: this address is sure far.

Yato had a leaf in his mouth " has it changed yet?"

Yukine: it will change?!!

Hiyori: that paper is a paper that has being spelled. It will show where this person we're looking for is.

Miyuki: this person... who is he? Why me?

Hiyori: yomi said that you know her. Plus she can't leave where she is. Sousei has his eyes on her.

Miyuki: her?

Yato: are we reaching yet?

Yukine looks onto the paper " 500m straight. Some weird directions. Will this really work?"

Yato: how would I know.

Yato: how would I know

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Yukine: we're here.

Yato: there's no one around here. That girl by the river?

Miyuki: she's not any... girl...maiko!!

The girl sitting by the river looked up " .... miyuki?"

Miyuki: maiko!!

" Maiko... that human name. I don't have that name anymore. I don't have one to be specific. It used to be yura."

Hiyori: yura... you're a shinki right?

Yura: um. I ran off on my own. I'm kind of alone now.

Yato: who's your Master?

Yura: war god kisatsu. I thought you knew that, that's why you came to look for me. Yomi's new shinki, hiyori.

Hiyori: you know things about yomi?

Yura: I asked her for a request. Why do you think I can not return to kisatsu even with a call from him of my name?

Miyuki: what request?

Yura: only if I want, I will go to his side when I hear him call my shinki name. Because of that, kisatsu has become kind of bad.

Yukine: kind of bad? He wasn't just hating yomi?

Yura shakes her head " I know I'm kind of selfish... but... I can't go back... that's why she sent you right? Miyuki."

Miyuki: maiko... I mean. Yura...

Yura: always naming her shinki as their past name. She's kind as usual. But I'm not like her. I won't make people happy. I want to do what I want.

Miyuki: why?

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