Chapter Three- Interuptions

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*Brad's Point of View*

'Adam, stop,' I hiss. Other students shush me, going back to working on their health exams, but Adam just winks at me from across the aisle and sneaks towards my desk. I glare at him as the teacher stands up, gesturing towards the door.

'Students, please make your way outside for the physical part of the test.'

Some of the class groan, knowing that they'd probably fail this part of the test. I, however, stand and grin proudly, popping the muscles in my neck and arms before going outside. Being captain of the football team, I most likely won't even break a sweat from a bit of running.

The teacher takes us outside onto the sports field, instructing us to do a warm up and meet him on the basketball courts. Adam and I lead the warm up, running around the field, then doing stretches.

We're the first to make it up to the courts, mucking around as the rest of the class arrive, panting.

Adam elbows me in the ribs as I jump up to the hoop, and I gasp, sucking in air and swearing at him. I stumble as I land, and something wet and soft sticks to my shoe.

'Oh, gross!' I shake my shoe, and the foul thing, which I identify as cheese, falls off onto the concrete. 'Gross, my shoe!'

Adam collapses laughing. 'Brad, you absolute wimp!' When he sobers up, he looks over at the rest of the class, then at the cheese, his eyes calculating.

'Adam, no.'

'Come on, Brad! Don't you want to have a little fun with our friend Billy?' His lips quirk upwards, eyes glimmering.

I heave a sigh. 'Fine.'


'What were you thinking?' The teacher asks me, having just sent a distraught Billy down to the office for a new uniform.

I smile down at her, easily turning on the charm. It usually works on teachers, except for one time when I attempted to charm an elderly male maths teacher, and ended up with double detention and an E in maths.

She glares at me. 'I would have expected better from our football captain!'

I wince. Okay, call me stupid, but I didn't expect her to pull the captain card. It's not often used, as people usually respect the captains more than the staff.

'I'm sure your mother would be happy to hear about this. Again.'

My eyes widen. 'No! You can't tell my mum.' She'd been through enough stress lately, and me being sent to the office for the fourth time this month would only stress her more.

'I'm going to have to, Mr Jones. You know the rules.'

'Please. I'll do anything.'

She glances up at me unsympathetically. 'One week suspension for disrupting of classes, assault of another student and talking back.'

My jaw drops. 'Assault? I threw mouldy cheese at him!'

'Follow the rules next time, Mr Jones.'


My hand tangles in Veronica's hair, as my own curly hair covers her face. We kiss, students next to us giving us disgusted and amused looks, but we can't care less.

Someone next to me clears his throat, and we break away from each other, breathing heavily. I smile down at her, watching her beautiful face smirk back up at me. As we re-join our lips, the kid jolts into me, his elbow slamming into my ribs. I hiss in pain, then glance up a bit.

'You're going to regret that, Adam.' I growl, glancing up a little before returning my eyes to Veronica. On my way back, however, my eyes catch on a girl on the other side of the library. My breath catches in my throat.

It's her.

She sits staring at us, before looking down at her own legs and blushing. Even her blush is cute. The boy sitting next to her chatters away, and there is a flash of something dark deep inside of me. Can't he see that she's not interested? He probably wants to hook up with her, being the disgusting person he probably is. I want to protect her, to shield her from all other boys.

I take a deep breath. Dangerous territory, Brad.

When I return to Veronica, she smirks again, and pulls me by my neck to where her lips are.

I sigh, and place my arms around her waist.

Stay where you belong, Brad.


It was the usual shift, at the usual time. I restock shelves, heaping canned spaghetti into an aisle. Pushing my trolley, I move to the next aisle.

Suddenly, a buzzing fills the air. I poke my head out of the aisle, only to see Dan walking towards the entrance 'Dan,' I say, pulling him next to me. 'What is going on?'

Surprised, he looks up at me. 'Didn't you hear?'

'Hear what?'

'One of them. They're here.' He says the last part as a whisper, motioning towards the source of the buzz.

I gasp. 'Here?'

'Yeah. Go talk to them, please? You know what happened last time I talked to one of them.' He grimaces disgustedly.


'Go, Brad.'

I walk out of the aisle towards the front, keeping my eyes out for someone, anyone in a green uniform.

Then, when I finally lay eyes on the figure, I can't breathe all over again.

There she is, looking lost and confused and beautiful. She may have jam smearing the side of her face, but nothing will ever detract from her beauty.

I take a moment to breathe and scan over her, before striding over and turning on the charm, just like the other day.


After we talk, it takes a minute to restart my heart again.

'You alright there Brad?' Dan asks.

I give him a tight lipped smile and nod.


Her name is Rose.

When we touched, it was like fireworks and symphonies. Like explosions and pure perfection. Like I was complete.

She completes me.

I stand there, remembering her face and hair and eyes- I could spend an entire eternity looking at her eyes. I remember the way her breath smelt perfect- just like her namesake- and how when she smiled, my heart forgot how to beat.

I go back to restocking aisles.

I need her.


A/N- Hey, Hannah here. Sorry for the long wait, and for the fact this chapter is awful. I just had some ideas on how Brad would react to the things that Rose saw in the last chapter. Also, you got your first real look at Veronica- what did you think of her?

The next chapter will be written by Laura ( ) (And will definitely be better). Thank you for reading this, I really hope you enjoyed (even though it's terrible).

(Shhh, Laura here and has infiltrated the chapter. Hannah's just being modest saying my chapter will be better. Anyway, mine will be coming your way any time soon)

See you next time!

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