Ms. Falcon was explaining our new unit of us studying the French revolution which I had looked into before and it drew in my interest. I eagerly took down notes from Ms. Falcon's explanation on how the people rebelled against the king. I looked to either side of me and they had two pages full of notes and useful ones too.

I tapped Taylor on the shoulder and she turned to look at me, I then casted my eyes down at her notes and she nodded approvingly. 45 minutes later the bell rang for lunch and I headed off to my locker on my own. Taylor had a meeting with Mr. Holden her English teacher he taught extension but she needed to see him for clarification on the assignment.

I put in my earphones and put on a playlist that was stacked with songs from Pierce the Veil, Panic! At the disco and Evanescence. And played them through while I walked to my locker to put my books away. As I passed by towards my locker I was almost dancing down the hall to 'King for a day' by Pierce the Veil, I soon got to my locker and opened it up to put away my books and organise my books for the next lesson which was ICT which was almost a bludge class and we hardly did anything in it.

I grabbed my lunch and closed my locker before I was caught by surprise and pushed against the lockers "Watch it Loser" I heard them say. I looked up and saw Chloe and she was giving me a death stare and behind her from a far was Maggie and Leah giggling in the background. I bite my bottom lip before I felt someone pick me up and throw me to the ground, I hit the cold cream and black tiles and I felt a pain rush to my shoulder and blood trickle down my bottom lip. I felt dizzy and slightly worn out but I tried to keep my strength to hide my weakness. I looked up and saw Vincent, Lenny and Dennis standing over me, I soon heard Chloe talk "why don't you just disappear it would really benefit everyone" she scoffed.

At this point I couldn't hold the tears back so just cried and curled up into a ball as I watched them leave me laying there. I hated that everyone was crowded around me and just watching the sores on my arms, I soon felt someone pick me up and I immediately began to flip out "LEAVE ME ALONE PUT ME DOWN!, LEAVE ME BE AND LEVE ME TO BLEED OUT ON THE FLOOR!" I screamed out hitting whoever had me in their arms. "Stop calm down Elizabeth" the person said, I recognised the voice I looked up with my eyes struggling to keep open. "Blake?" I asked questiongly before I passed out and fell into complete darkness.

A few minutes later I woke up with a headache and an unfamiliar scenery that was in front of me, I looked to my right and saw both Blake and Joyce sitting at my side. I blinked a few times as Joyce walked towards me. "Why am I here?" I asked with slight amnesia, "You were beaten and tossed by Chloe and Vincent" stated Blake showing me a sad smile. Joyce handed me my IPod which was slightly cracked but it was no big deal.

I soon felt those last minutes of me getting a beating come back to me and Chloe basically told me to kill myself. I felt my eyes fill up with tears and sadness over take me, I sat up and hugged my chest in pain. Joyce gave me a hug and I rested my head on her shoulder and cried in both fear and pain, "she told me to kill myself" I sniffled out. I looked over to see Blake who was furious "Blake no" I head Joyce say but before she could speak again he yelled "NO THIS ISN'T FAIR I'M NOT WATCHING ONE OF MY BEST FRIENDS SUFFER AND SEE THEM GET AWAY WITH IT!" Blake yelled.

"Okay you're right there but what good will letting someone know do?" asked Joyce with doubt in her tone. "Look if we don't tell someone this could get out of hand" said Blake walking over to me and kneeling down in front of me. I nodded "okay" I said feeling hopeless, "how long was I out anyway?" I asked rubbing my eyes. "You were out for maybe half of lunch" she said which made me worry, "don't worry it is still lunch now" said Blake easing my thoughts.

After lunch I went over to science with Joyce, Blake and Vanessa and they were telling me about how the situation that happened at lunch was being looked into. "Yea Mr. Roberts is dealing with it and the rumour is that those three could be facing up to 6 weeks suspension" said Vanessa feeling proud. I showed a weak smile and continued to walk "oh I almost forgot" said Joyce searching through her pencil case. "Here's your iPod" she said handing it to me, I looked at my iPod and saw the corner chipped but what could I do about it.

1 hour later we were in the middle of Science and Joyce and I were rocking out to some tunes from Pierce the Veil and 'Circles' to be exact because we both loved that song. "You two are crazy" said Blake with a small laugh. Joyce turned towards him and smirked "and your say you aren't Mr. I love sleeping with sirens" I said sounding cocky. "Okay you got me there" he said surrendering, so for the rest of the class we did our work almost dancing to my music.

Class had ended and I got my stuff from my locker and walked towards the buses so I could go home and lock myself up in my room. I walked to the bus and hopped on board and sat next to Melody. She looked over at me in grave concern "what happen to you?" she said examining my bruises. I stayed silent as she examined each cut and bruise "Elizabeth this is terrible and who did this?" she asked gently grabbing my shoulders.

"Chloe and friends" I mumbled looking down at the floor, "Elizabeth?" she asked again. "It was Chloe and her friends" I said bursting out in more tears. We soon arrived home and Mum and Dad were still at work, I went inside while Melody feed the chickens and horses. I got inside my form and throw my bag on my bed and looked at myself in the mirror and began to cry.

I couldn't take it anymore so I ran to my draws in search for something sharp, my eyes now were blurred and covered in tears that overflowed. I finally found what I was looking for and slumped down against the wall, I held the blade against my skin and made 4 cuts on my arm. I was violently shaking and crying as I threw the blade at my desk , I continued to cry and scream until Melody came in. "Hey shh please it's going to be okay" she said trying to soothe me as she held me close to her. I cried into her chest while she stroked my hair "please you'll be okay, thing will get better" she sniffled. "NO! They won't!" I yelled, "Look I'll tell mum and dad about this and we'll try to get you help" she said in a sweet tone. I didn't want Mum and Dad knowing so I shook my head in a no. "They need to know so you can get help" she said wiping my tears. I finally agreed and gave up on fighting, we then went into the bathroom to get me cleaned up and my arm wrapped up and taken care of.

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