"The King has requested your presence, sire." She squeaks, staring down at the ground.

"Right now?" Looking out the window to see that the sun was yet still to rise, to early for a meeting with his father.

"Yes Prince Victor. The King stated that you were to see him as soon as you had awoken, sire."

Sighing in frustration, he ran a hand down his face glancing the way he had been heading, before turning tail and heading in the opposite direction to see his father. After years, Victor had learned to never keep him waiting; the punishment was just not worth it.

After several minutes of navigating the labyrinth of a castle he called home, he arrived at his fathers' chambers, knowing full well that he would still be asleep.

Knocking forcefully on his door he waited before the King opened the door clad in in a gown tied loosely around the waist, his chest on full display, covering only his unmentionables.

"You asked for me father?" Victor asked keeping his eyes only on his and not the two naked maids sleeping in his bed.

"Yes. But I expected you at a more reasonable time. Never mind, get in." Almost groaning in defeat, he entered the room and frowned down at the naked females.

"Really father? Two? Didn't know you still had it in you?" His hairy chest puffed up at that and he smirked before turning to the naked females.

"A man has needs son, as you should know." With that he grabbed them by the ankle and pulled them off the bed, their bodies hitting the ground hard. Victor winced in sympathy for them, but it didn't last long. They knew what they were getting into when they found their way to the King's bed, yet they still thrived for his attention. "Get out you filthy wenches, before I make you."

Victor tried not to smile as they ran from the room, not even taking a chance to clothe their naked bodies, but it was futile. He turned his head to his father to watch as he poured himself a glass of water and taking a seat, not even having the decency to cover himself as he sprawls out on the couch.

"Victor, I have a task for you." Frowning, Victor approached the chair opposite his father, but instead of sitting down he used the back of the chair as support. "I believe that there may be a spy amongst us and as I may have my suspicions, I have no tangible proof. I need for you and your Guards to keep a closer eye on the competitors and yes, that does include your slave."

"Not to sound impertinent, but since when did you, as the King, need tangible proof father? If you have your suspicions then why not act on it?" The King leant forward and rubbed a hand over his face, and for the first time he could remember, his father looked almost... human.

"Because I don't know who it is Victor. One day you will be King and you will learn that no matter what, you will always have enemies, even from those that are close to you. Your men are quite, discreet, use them to find the traitor, and when you do... bring them to me."

Knowing that, that was the end of the discussion, he bowed to his father, before turning and existing the room.

Sang's POV

   Sang watched silently from her position, eating the apple she had taken with her, as the other contestants made their way into the room with their supporters. She wondered how long it would take for her guards to enter wondering if she was already there, or if they would turn up at all.

Just as Master Brullo made his way through the room, her guards followed closely behind, situating themselves towards the back, scanning the room for any sign of her. She had to admit that a few of them looked nervous and were exchanging glances with each other; probably wondering if she had run away again.

"Welcome Champions to week two of the competition." Master Brullo's voice tore her gaze from her guards to the Sword Master, focusing on what he had to say. "I'll keep this short and sweet. You know the rules, you know the consequences of not following said rules, so with that let's discuss this weeks task." One of the Guards standing of to the side stepped forward after a gesture from Brullo and handed him a bow and a quiver of arrows. "Your task this week will be at how sufficient you are at the art of archery. You have one week to practice, don't disappoint." With that he strode from the room and headed back the way he came before stopping and turning towards her guards. "Where is your charge? It is bad etiquette to not show up. If she is not here by the time we make it to the archery range, the girl will be disqualified."

Sighing in annoyance for the fact he should have noticed her from were she sat, pushed herself of the beam she had been sitting on, landing right in front of him, barely bending her knees from the fall.

"No need Master Brullo. As you can see I am here." With a small bow, she turned and exited the room not bothering to gaze at her guards who had been staring at her in shock, looking from where she had stood, to the beam she had descended from.

Sang hadn't taken into account that the beam was at least forty feet up and most people should have injured themselves from such a fall... or more likely killed themselves, but from such an early age, and training through and outside of the Academy, Sang had learned exactly how to fall from such distance.

But unbeknown to Sang, even she didn't realize exactly the extent of the feats she had managed in the past, performing task that shouldn't be humanly possible.

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