Chapter 11: True Mission to England

Start from the beginning

Out of the bathroom, I got my white trench coat and brown high heeled books that I had packed. I only packed them because I had thought that I had to look a certain way when Adrian was around other people.

Once I was set, I got the hotel key from the nightstand and walked out with my purse.

Here I come London.


One week later......

I was really enjoying myself in London. Everyday, I would spend most of the time at a particular area of the city. Yesterday, I spent the whole day at Westminster Abby. Westminster Abby was place where the coronation took place as well as the wedding of the royals.

The food was very interesting. i had some fish and chips, english sandwiches, Sunday roast and other known english foods. Of course, I had some healthy foods like salad while I was here. I had some great tea and snacks. The scones were my absolute favorite. They were flaky and buttery. Victorian cakes were good too.

I took many pictures. When I get home, I wanted to make a scrap book of my adventure in London.

I hadn't seen Adrian since he had left me in the suite. He hadn't called me to see if I was okay. I figured that he had his own suite somewhere in the hotel or at a different hotel. Lorenzo hadn't been around as well. Still, I felt hurt from his words a week ago.

Today, I was planning to go to the Tower of London. I knew a lot of history about the tower.  Also, I wanted to try Yorkshire pudding somewhere in the area. I dressed very plainly and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked alright.

"I better get going." I walked out of the suite and got a taxi to the Tower. "Is this your first time here in London ma'am," the taxi driver asked me. "Yes it is," I told him. I could see a smile on his face from his rear mirror. "Welcome to London," he told me. "Thank you."

Once at the tower, I got out and made my way closer to the building.


I took my phone out and looked to see that it was from Adrian. What does he want? It was the first time that he ever called me. I answered the phone. "Hello?" "Where are you?" He sounded a bit irritated. There was no concern in his voice.

"I'm at the Tower of London," I told him. "Stay right there. I'll be there in a few minutes," he told me and hung up.


I didn't wait too long.

Adrian managed to find me with no problem. Lorenzo was right behind me. I met him halfway. "What are out doing here? I thought that you were in a business meeting," I told him. I had thought that I wouldn't see him for the whole trip. Something told me that he wasn't here for me.

"We need to take more photos so that we can prove that we were on our honeymoon." Thought so. I gave him a nod. He took my hand and guided me to the tower. Lorenzo followed behind us and took photos.

As we walked through the tower, I looked around in amazement but, I was a bit scared that I would run into a ghost or something. There were stories about the place being haunted by those who were executed in the courtyard of the place.

Occasionally, I stood close to Adrian but, not too close. In my mind, I felt that I couldn't trust him. In a way, I started to not believe in his words about our commitment in the marriage. But, I was going to try to stay truthful in the marriage even if my happiness suffers.

We spent about an hour walking around and taking photos at various spots. Once outside, Adrian let go of my hand and looked at his watch. "Lets go Lorenzo. We have a meeting in thirty minutes," he told him. "Yes sir," Lorenzo said. They walked away from me without a word.

I looked down at my hand. I could still feel him.

He doesn't want you. Don't have feelings for him.

I let out a breath and continued my journey in the surrounding area.



I opened my eyes slowly to see that it was still dark outside. On the clock, it said that it was 2:23 am. Who could be calling right now? Slowly, I sat up and turned the lights on. When the lamp lit up, I closed my eyes immediately. I let my eyes adjust to the lighting of the room.

I got my phone and answered. "Hello?" I answered sleepily. "Is this Valeria Minetti?" I didn't recognize the voice. "Yes. This is she," I answered. "This is Dr. Martin Dwight," I heard. He was my grandparent's doctor.

"Oh. Hello. I didn't recognize your voice," I told him. I rubbed my eyes. "I'm sorry to have woken you but, I have some ...terrible news," he told me. Terrible news? "What is it?" He got my attention that I was now completely awake.

I heard a sigh on the other side.

"I'm sorry to say but, you grandparents were killed in an accident."

My mind when blank. I felt the phone slip from my hand.

Hi everyone.

I am currently working on other stories besides this one so please be patient with me. I haven't finished the next story too. L

Also, I have a tiny preview of my next story that should be out next year. I'll post below.

Happy Reading!

Make sure to comment and vote. I would love to know what you think.

(I will only post after 140 votes)

I know that I just put 140 votes. I just need the time to write and such.



The night was a bit scary. There were letters around campus telling students to not wander around on campus during the night. The place was known for muggings. Of course, many students didn't care. They cared about their studies. So, they walk to the library or the annex to study long hours.

I sat at the quad waiting for Adrian. I was a bit excited to meet him. I had so much to talk to him in person. So much that I need to thank him. Hopefully, he was going to be happy to meet me.


I turned my head to see Ivan who was approaching me from the library. Huh? I was surprised. "Ivan? What are you doing here?" I asked him. He walked towards me with a small smile on his face. "Well, you told me to meet you here," he said. "When?" I was so confused.

He stood a foot away from me. "Yesterday when we were talking about you wanting to meet me for the first time," he said.

"What do you mean?"

I said that to Adrian. Not Ivan.

His expression soften. It's as if he had hid something from me.

"Let's say, I catfished your heart."


Comment on what you think about the preview. This is a working concept right now.

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