5. No Where But Up (Preview)

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Hey guys! I know you probaby thought it'd be cold day in hell before I updated this story, but here's a little taste for you. This is only a preview because for some reason I write really long chapters on the ET stories. This chapter's about half way through. So I hope you like it and I'll try my best to finish it real soon. Don't forget to vote and comment! 

I stopped dead in my tracks. Sitting in front of me was a sleek black, red, and silver motorcycle. It looked sexy and fast and I was itching to touch it.

Marvious walked toward his bike and grabbed two helmets off the handle bars. He straddled the bike and handed me a helmet.

“Are you coming Melonie? It won’t bite,” he said smiling. I really wanted to ride on that motorcycle and guilt from Jason wasn’t going to stop me.

I grabbed the helmet and straddled the bike behind him. I put my helmet on and put my arms around his waist. His stomach was hard and ridged with muscles. I wanted to rub my hands up and down it, but I just stayed still.

“Hold on tight,” I heard him say in the headset in the helmet. Then he peeled off.

            I have never felt so free in my life. It felt as if I was flying. I clutched Marvious tighter and breathed deep. I think the next car I get will be a motorcycle.

            “Are you ready to go see your friends or do you want to ride around for little while longer,” I heard Marvious say through the headset.

I sighed. I really did want to spend time with Ash and Matt, but there was no force in the world that would get me off this motorcycle anytime soon.

“No, let’s just ride around for a while,” I told him. He laughed and revved the bike going even faster.

We rode around like that for hours. He would show off tricks that scared and exhilarated me. Then we drove to the edge of a rocky cliff to watch the sun set. It was overly romantic and the girly girl inside of me did back flips. It was sweet and one of the best days I’d had in a long time, but I knew that it had to end.

“Are you ready to go?” he asked sensing my mood. I just smiled at him.

“Not really, but I know I have to. I had a really good time today. I’m glad you came to get me. I was having a horrible day,” thinking about my mom, I mean Pam, kicking me out.

“You want to talk about it?” he asked me, and he looked so sincere that I just started spilling out what happened between me and my mom, omitting the real reason she put me out.

“I feel like she just abandoned me. I know she’s not my real mother, but she raised me. And what is a real mother anyway? Someone who was always there, who took care of you when you needed it and when you thought you didn’t. I’m going to miss her. And now I’m worried about if she’s going to come to my graduation and if I’m ever going to see her again,” I said forlornly. He walked up to me and hugged me tight.

“I’m sorry Melonie. I hate to see you so sad. Maybe you should try to sit down and talk to her,” he suggested. I just hugged him tighter. It felt good to be in the arms of someone who didn’t hate you and long for you at the same time. It was refreshing.

“We better go,” he said. “It’s getting late. Here take my jacket.” He took it off and handed it to me. I smiled and put it on. It was too big of course, but it was warm from his body and smelled like him, sandal wood.

I told him that I wasn't going to visit Ash and Matt today, and to just take me home. He didn't care. He told me that he just wanted to spend time with me. I texted Ash before I got back on the bike to tell her what happened. She said that it was fine and that they'd see me tomorrow. I felt really bad. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2012 ⏰

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